Something, something, fileshares
Mon, 01/14/2013 - 20:13
Something, something, fileshares
bsangel indicating something about fileshares will be in this week's bulletin.
Awesome, thanks for the heads up DEEP
I like to think they are just going to mention them, but nothing is really being done. She's just letting us know she'll talk about how nothing is happening but say it with a positive spin.
You mean something like:
"We hear your pleas and rest assured we are diligently working to get the File Share up and running. We apologize for any inconvenience as we know the File Share system plays an important part in how many of you enjoy Halo and custom games. You will be hearing more about this in the very near future. Batteries not included.
Oh and...
Trust us!"
Interesting that this week's bulletin is not out yet. Nothing on Twitter from BS_Angel today.
Did not know that. I will look for it tonight. Thanks Deep.
In-Game fileshare browser now has the 'Most Downloaded' and 'Most Recomended' seach features working - I stumbled across it last night.