Sorry Oldschool It's time to roll
Fri, 06/15/2012 - 19:57
Sorry Oldschool It's time to roll
My new passing manoeuvre was not liked by everyone.
Still up to your old tricks Fitzy.
Holy crap, look who the cat drug in!
Clearly the Kerb's fault. Nice driving Fitzy.
Who the hell let Mel out of his hole?
Holy shit MEL!!!!
Mel is alivveee :O and missing some of the best forza action ever!
I feel so used...
Dont you always oldschool?
Nice to know that you remember me lol. so how's it going in Forza land? Would like to join you for some online race fun but my live has run out and at the moment can't justify renewing it, anyway still enjoying racing on the comp with rfactor/rfactor 2/ race07 etc. but miss the banter from some real good friends. Anyone racing on the dark side?
We sure do mel.
Why not head on over to 2Old2Race the PC racing side of 2Old2Play.gif)
Look The old grumpy bastard is still alive, I've been trying to keep your legacy alive but I just can't do the moaning bitching and just plain grumpy bastard as well as you. So hurry back I miss our intelligent conversations.
Don't underestimate yourself Fitzy you do a damn good job of bitching. You and Mel in an "intelligent conversation", that's so funny I'm almost peeing myself.