SOURCES: Next Xbox slated for 2013
Sat, 12/01/2012 - 06:54
SOURCES: Next Xbox slated for 2013
Mircrosoft Corp. will release the next version of its Xbox video-game machine, the top-selling console, in time for the holidays next year, according to people familiar with the company's plans. The new device is planned for Thanksgiving and Christmas sales....Bloomberg News
Great. Still have plenty of playtime left for FM4. Actually don't want to spend/have to spend the $$$$ for a super duper new system with this crappy economy
the fanatec better work with it
I did read somewhere that because the new console will be based on new harware that none of the peripherils that work on the 360 will work on the new one.
I'm expecting the CSR Elite to work. It works with PC and I'm expecting next gen to be convergent tech on the compatability side of things. If not, grrrrrrrr
Fitzy..I read the same article!!

...NNNNN they may as well come out with Forza 5 or whatever name they come up with!!
My expectation is that the new Xbox will employ PC and PS3 like technology and that Fanatec, Thrustmaster and Logitech wheels and pedals, that are compatible with PC and PS3 now, will work on the new Xbox. Wheels that only work with Xbox 360 will not work on the new Xbox. M$'s proprietary 2.4 ghz technlogy that it has used for the Xbox 360 has been a royal PIA for peripheral manufacturers and so I expect M$ to junk it and move to the mainstream, just as they likely will go with blu ray compatibility for the new Xbox.
all the fanatecs work on the pc
then let's hope we are good.
P.S You should always be wary of anything I say ( I just made it up) sorry I was bored. :)
Fitzy....OHHHHH NOOOOO!!!!!...Parcells was Right!!!
Fitzy at it again lol
Although I have just sold my wheel tonight.
I believe Gizzie would not mind me quoting him here "Pussy".
i know its against protocol but i agree with fitzy
2nd that!
If i had a decent wheel set up, i'd be using it. I'd imagine driving the ring with manual shifting, clutch and heal toe would be the shit :D
Yea I agree Zero, I think it would be a huge mistake if they don't utilize the usb connections. That was almost a tipping point between me getting a PS3 or an Xbox. A lot of my stuff I could just plug in and use on the PS3 where as I had to buy a new wheel to use on my Xbox. The Xbox won because of Halo and all the friends I had that used Xbox already.
After reading a couple of the articles even though the specs will be outdated as far as PC's go its still going to be a huge leap over what the xbox has today. I can't wait to see waht the graphics are going to look like. I mean some of the xbox titles right now have amazing graphics already.