Stat Emails
Stat Emails
So, I got an email this morning saying a couple of things. One, it said that I had 9 headshots in a game recently, and that's in the top 3% of all games played in Ghosts. Also, it says I have reached 950 headshots, which is in the top 1% of scores in the game as well. It also then said there was Christmas camo for your guns.
Anyone else get any interesting stats emailed to them in the guise of advertising christmas camo? I really like the fact that these stats are kept, but the Call Of Duty developers are still playing catch up with regards to stats, compared to how Bungie did it three titles and two consoles ago with Halo 2 on the original Xbox. I do like updates on how you're doing compared to other folks though.
I got it.
I got an e-mail stating that my last k/d ratio was so bad that I might enjoy playing Peggle2 more. They even included a gift certificate for it. :(
I recied the same email. Said I had 9 headshots in a game also, but only reached 850 headshots.
On a serious note, I sure hope we'll be able to see game history in the next game in the series. Its looooong overdue.
Only 250 headshots, top 14%.
I did score 11 Domination captures in one game, which is in the top 15%. So I have that going for me.
I'm getting the wolf skin for the mutt killstreak.