Stats in Halo 4 and Reach
Stats in Halo 4 and Reach
On I can view my stats. I notice, however, that my kill death ratio is not playlist or gametype specific, but is instead lumped into large categories. So all those times I died as a zombie in Living Dead are bringing down my kill death ratio that should be higher because of Team Slayer because they are both listed in the competitive category.
In Halo 4, 343i had this very obscure thing to say:
Will stat tracking for kill/death ratio be done separately for the different playlists? All of the changes made to modes like Capture the Flag will do wonders for improving game speed as long as everyone is focused on winning. These improvements start to fade when people are just trying to farm for kills.-indubitably1
When comparing yourself to teammates, medal points make all the difference and in each mode you’ll earn specific points for not only scoring but also helping your teammates. CTF, for example, has medals for “Flag Driver”, “Flag Assist”, and “Flag Defense”. We will be reporting stats for War Games as a mode, but also for the individual game base variants, meaning the underlying game types like CTF, Regicide, Slayer, etc. K/D ratio in general will only be highlighted for Slayer.
This makes me think we won't get the stat at all for certain gametypes, and that it will again be one large category lumping completely different playlists together.
What do you guys think? Should we be able to see our stats on a per playlist basis? Or is lumping the stats together into one giant category of War Games sufficient?
You can view your stats, including k/d of single playlists, on Waypoint.
Type in your GT, click on Service Record, then on Stats. You should see a filter for Maps and Playlists on the left. Click the playlists, and there you go.
Nice! Never noticed that tab before. Hopefully they keep this for Halo 4, because I was thrown off by that comment in the weekly update though :)
what W0rm said and to address your question, IF that is the case. I am assuming them might have a a kpd and a PPM (points per match) or something to that effect. I hope they would seperate out the different averages if at all possible.
let's bring it up and beat a dead horse while we're at it....all in favor of bringing back _Shots Taken_ as an ingame reported stat say Aye!
As long as you give me a tank turret on Coag I'm in lol!!
We'll won't hear anything about Halo 4 stat tracking until October, according to the Gamespot interview with Frankie.