Strategy help needed for epic mode missions (Queens)
Thu, 09/25/2014 - 13:42
Strategy help needed for epic mode missions (Queens)
Is there a secret to killing the very heavily armored critters in the Queen missions? I seem to be especially having trouble with the flying ones. Harpies in Black Garden and Shanks in Devil Archon can withstand a whole clip of primary ammo and I can't stock enough heavy or special. I am lvl 26 and getting slaughtered by these things. How are you handling this?
Thanks in advance.
Means you need to use a weapon with a special elemental attribute like Void (purple), solar burn (orange/fire) or electricity (blue). I think you need to use void-based weapons for the harpies and shanks. The mission modifiers should give you a clue as to what element type weapon to bring to the fight.
Also - whatever your class sticky grenade is will one shot almost anything not a boss. I use discipline armor on these missions for that reason.
They will have a glimmer (shield) around them. Like Gatsu said, use same color weapon as shield