Stuff to think about - League Play, Custom Party Games, Rifles-Only & Zombies
Stuff to think about - League Play, Custom Party Games, Rifles-Only & Zombies
Not sure if you guys have discussed any of these yet, so throwing it out there for future consideration.
League Play - for anyone not familiar with it, hopping into League Play will have you play 5 "placement" games to assess your skill level, after which you'll be put into a certain skill bracket (ie. Bronze, Iron, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Master, Pro). In this bracket will be people with more or less similar skill level, with the intent of having close, competitive games - which Treyarch believes people will have the most fun, regardless of whether they win or lose. Each skill level bracket will have several sub-dividions of (i think) about 250 people. You'll play against this group of people for about a month (a season) and based on how well you do, possibly move up or down to the next skill bracket. This can be played solo in Moshpit League, or as teams in Team League. Sounds like this could be a much better solution to the regular pub scene for those who aren't super competitive, but want a better experience. And for those who want to compete vs other teams, it offers that too.
Custom Party Games - Gun Game, Sticks and Stones, Sharpshooter, One in the Chamber...all super fun game types, but especially so when you play with people you know with VOIP, and everyone has been drinking. The lulz do not stop with this one. Could be an absolute blast on weekends. You can also make significant adjustments to the rules of these gametypes, altering the points per kill, per setback, how many random weapons rotate through, starting health level, health regen speed (or none at all), etc.
Zombies - and of course there's zombies stompin' action. There's the usual 1 map survival, or Tranzit (where you travel around a huge map area by bus), or the Grief gametype where 2 teams of humans can either co-operate to survive, or sabotage the other team to be overrun by the undead.
Good stuff if this has already been discussed. But if not, wanted everyone to be aware of some of the other options that are out there once people really start getting a better handle on the game and move past the initial XP / rank up grind.
Something I forgot to mention before but popped into my head while watching a BO2 montage last night...
PC fans of from way back in the days of COD1 and COD2 (as well as MOH Allied Assault/Spearhead) in the WWII setting will likely remember the popularity of "bolt-rifles-only" gameplay. Taking rifles like the Kar98 and Enfield into battle, where spray and pray didn't factor in, and your shots had to count.
This wasn't really possible since COD4, with the advent of the semi-auto rifles and snipers with scopes. But with BO2, the option is there to choose the Ballista, which is essentially a sniper rifle, but without a scope on it.
If this sounds interesting to anyone, suggest the group gives it a shot one night. Disable all other weapons other than the Ballista with no scope, and non-auto-burst pistols, then have at it. Those were honestly some of my fondest memories from back in the day, and we really only had TDM, SnD, and TOW modes to play. I think it could be a lot of fun to play Kill Confirmed, Hardpoint, Dom, and other modes with Ballistas-only.
More league play info now available:
This "unofficial test season" ends on Nov 30. So anyone wanting to test the waters before this gets real only has a couple days to do so.
we have done custom gameplays before with teh bolt-only. Also some with sinpers and headshots only. ragetastic games. Need to get creative again.
I also noticed there is a play list for muli-team - 3 man teams. i would liek to try this out if anyone is interested. definetly do not want to go solo into this.
It be cool if the custom could be taken even farther
A few twists Treyarch should consider, dildo up the azz match, or all players in gimp suit
They need my creative talent to really push the envelope for Black Ops 3