Taking a break from Forza.
Sun, 01/13/2013 - 15:29
Taking a break from Forza.
I am taking a sabbatical for a little while, I have been running nearly all the time since I joined nearly two years ago and I have reached burnout. I will not be running in any of the upcoming events but I will run the Yaris Cup until it finishes. I will still be on the forums but not the racing. I will be back but right now I just need a break. Catch you guys later and thanks to everyone here it's been a joy racing with you guys.
Ah mate. I've been there. Half the battle is reaching the conclusion that you have. Took me 6 months of FM3 to realise I just did not have the fire in my belly for it, and a year and as half to find my mojo again.
Take it easy.
Dam shame i say. enjoy real life fitzy. we will miss you.
Enjoy the break. We'll miss you.
See you next week fitzy
Fitzy tell me it aint so. I just was starting to get to know you! Are you taking a complete break from Forza or just the racing series scene? I hope the latter of the 2. But do what you gotta do Fitzy, life is more important than any video game. Have a good one Fitzy! Cheers!
Parcells wont tell you what you should do Fitzy but here's what you should do...take a few weeks off and come back for the BTCC championship but run that event and that event only for a couple of months, boom! problem solved!
Take it easy boss come back when your ready :)
I'll miss you Fitzy....err...wait What am I saying? Finally a break from one of the many pains in my arse.
Just kidding bro. I've been there done that several times. Everyone needs a vacation now & then. Come back when you're ready. we'll still be here.
WTF????.....Say it isn't So!!!!.....I may sound Ditzy....But I will MIss the Fitzy!!!!.....

Been there done that. I understand. Take a break and come back when you want to. It is just a game and it is supposed to be fun and a way to relax and have fun with friends. When it isn't anymore then its time to step back and take a break.
We will still be here when you want to start again. Enjoy the break.
I'll echo Parcells statement/post.
Good luck with whatever you decide. Keep it real.
Take it easy fitzy, I won't let gizzie kick you out the club :D
TBH, if it wasn't for the drag tyres and the different perspective on racing that it brings, i'd be long gone from it :)
how ya gonna stop me muhahahahahahahahaha
Well, we've gotta atleast let him think that he's wanted...right?
-*Hmm, who's gonna volunteer for all the abuse Fitzy's vacating?
See you soon buddy.
Comes to us all, chill out and soon enough the call of the track will bring you back.
I will miss you, that's for sure. And I respect you and your decision. May be I will be able to follow you on the track, if you'll have your comeback?????? How many years your break will be??????.gif)
Your going to miss us!!!!!!! Enjoy! like Church said "see you next week" :-)
I think the missus hacked his account...
How'd you find out?
Lol oldschool
And I have to do the last GT race at the Ring next Sunday because I don't want Church to get angry with me. He can be very mean when he gets angry.
Fitzy, sorry to hear that. Take a break and come back when you are ready.
Are you a Forza 4 only guy? I ask because if you are, I worry about burnout for you and the other guys that focus their sim racing solely or largely on Forza 4. I have played Forza 4 since the first day it was released, but I have never burned out on it. Why? Because I play other sim racing titles. Don't get me wrong, I love the Forza series, and I have invested a ton of my hard earned money in it, particularly Forza 4, including for triple screens, DLC, Fanatec CSR and CSR Elite wheels and an extra set of Clubsport pedals, SFA-1 adapter for the THR8S shifter, etc.
In sum, my advice to the Forza 4 guys is take up another sim if you are feeling burnout. You need not spend a bunch of $$$ on it. There are plenty of good console sim racing games, other than Forza 4, that can feed the thirst. Race Pro, for example, is a quality console sim racing game that costs less than $10 US.
Just my two cents, take em or leave em. I love the hobby and I just hate to see guys suffer from burnout. Its not supposed to be work, its supposed to be fun, which we never should have enough of.
You could also dip in to 2Old2Race Fitzy!
I will not be participating in any events this week.
I will still be on here though.
Has the iR bug bitten Church?
Im justing going to do a complete ban on all racing for a week. I seem to be stressing at the slightest thing and its making it really un-fun.