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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
any night will work for me.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday...let me know
Any night until Friday and then I'm on vaca
All those days are good for me. Any times in particular?
We could shoot for like 8pm EST on Tues and hammer these out pre clan night if you guys want to. Should only take an hour-ish.
sounds like as good as time as any.
if we need to go later if we need to
Yeah if you wanna do 8:30 EST or 9 or 9:30 EST just let us know and we can plan accordingly.
I should be okay with 8:00 est, will let you know if I'm running late at all. :)
I don't drink wine btw, but I can have a beer.. ;)
Ok guys we are on for approximately 8:00 pm EST tonight!!
jonny12gauge wrote: Ok guys we are on for approximately 8:00 pm EST tonight!!
MLG sux!
Swat sucks too.
Man up like me. I SUX!
Lots of painful games last night. Some goods ones, but mostly painful!
my 2 games of no kills did not help any. at least i got several assist.
don't sweat it badger. with your k/d you net your team huge points on the wins.
I often benefit from other peoples work, that's why a pistol shot will blow up a wraith! Thanks for the help Badger!
© 2007 Media Crumb Inc. All rights reserve Media Crumb Inc.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday...let me know
Any night until Friday and then I'm on vaca
All those days are good for me. Any times in particular?
We could shoot for like 8pm EST on Tues and hammer these out pre clan night if you guys want to. Should only take an hour-ish.
sounds like as good as time as any.
if we need to go later if we need to
Yeah if you wanna do 8:30 EST or 9 or 9:30 EST just let us know and we can plan accordingly.
I should be okay with 8:00 est, will let you know if I'm running late at all. :)
I don't drink wine btw, but I can have a beer.. ;)
Ok guys we are on for approximately 8:00 pm EST tonight!!
MLG sux!
Swat sucks too.
Man up like me. I SUX!
Lots of painful games last night. Some goods ones, but mostly painful!
my 2 games of no kills did not help any. at least i got several assist.
don't sweat it badger. with your k/d you net your team huge points on the wins..gif)
I often benefit from other peoples work, that's why a pistol shot will blow up a wraith! Thanks for the help Badger!