Team 2 Posts...
Sat, 02/16/2013 - 15:59
Team 2 Posts...
Since CMA is a bad person and worse captain I figured I'd kick us off by sowing some dissent in the ranks.
I'm pretty wide open with a few hours notice. email may be the best way to get me but pm's from here get forwarded to too.
some team name suggestions include:
cma's cross to bear(CCTB)
Huge Mistake
2O2CACC (2 old to care about copyright concerns)
ps: the rest of you can blame zombiekitten for me being on the team.
:D I'm open tomorrow afternoon, anytime Monday and Tuesday. After that, you'll need a sub, because I start chemo again Wednesday and I'll be a zombie for about a week.
Best wishes with the chemo Kit and thanks for the games Friday.
So Bubba, Badger and I are pretty open schedule-wise....anybody heard from CMA recently? Lol
Let's make sure we beat the chemo date people.
Zombie kitten is the glue!
I luv ya Bubba :)
I'm here to sew some.. wait, you did that well enough already, carry on!
Lol Pontiff
we'll see what's up with badger.
if we don't hear from CMA by Tuesday, I'll pay on his spot or have a sub for you guys.
one way or another we'll get them in on time.
if not, then I'll get a sub for kit, or maybe get the matches in a couple days late.
team 8 is the thick n thin crew and they want to do their matches live on twitch on the 27th, so I'm going to have to extend it just a little anyway.
I can probably play again by the 26th...
If they don't work out Zombie, I'll kick Lou off my team for ya!
i can play almost anytime on the weekend and anytime after about 6 during the week. if i am not online just send me a text at 270-705-6897 and i can join up.
Shoot for Tuesday? 7:00 PMish? We'll keep pinging CMA too, But if he doesn't show up before Tuesday or has a conflict we'll go with Wam or a sub?
Sound like a plan?
that sounds like a good plan.
i'll see if jonny12guage can get in touch with CMA.
i have his phone number somewhere, but i can't find it.
sounds good. will that be central or what?
oh yeah, if i am on the team and get a vote I'm going with "HUGE MISTAKE"
Sounds like a plan! 7 ish Eastern? I forget what time zone everyone is in lol!
So that tourney I signed up for 3 months ago is actually happening?
Tuesday works for me. Now that I have a reason to check the boards again I will be on here daily.
But I need it to be atleast 8:30 eastern or after.
8:30 eastern works for me. i can't stay up hella late, cos i have chemo the next morning...but if we get started around 8:30 E, we'll be finished in time for me to get some sick-girl sleep lol
I will get online as soon as I can, kids normal bed time is 8pm. Which usually means I am putting them to be until 830.
But I will be on no later than 8:30.
that's the spirit! i knew i could count on you.
Thumbs up Bubba, but no way you can get your k/d as bad as mine lol!
In honor of Bubba our team name:
That stank
we are gonna bring the stank people, because where Bubba goes, the stank follows.
Lol @ the sig! Lmao@ team name That Stank
will be there. if for some reason i am not please someone text me.
Let do this! *warrior face* But let's have fun too, k? Lol