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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
That's a pretty shady list. I don't know of i like this.
I'm complaining to the commissioner about this.
wamam87 wrote: That's a pretty shady list. I don't know of i like this. I'm complaining to the commissioner about this.
They can get at least Two Episodes out of this easily...
well we will be streaming our l337 gameplay on the 23rd. Tune into this weeks show to find out all the details!!!
probably the truest thing said about my teammate:
credit goes to Dixon for obtaining the truth.
Is Walshy in the secret service? What's he wired up for?
Oh and this team is bullshit.
Cept for tiff who can do whatever she wants because she keeps Derek out of our hair.
FreynApThyr wrote: Cept for tiff who can do whatever she wants because she has boobs.
Cept for tiff who can do whatever she wants because she has boobs.
wamam87 wrote: FreynApThyr wrote: Cept for tiff who can do whatever she wants because she has boobs. agreed.
LB has boobs too, but until he starts banging Derek he gets no slack.
FreynApThyr wrote: wamam87 wrote: FreynApThyr wrote: Cept for tiff who can do whatever she wants because she has boobs. agreed. LB has boobs too, but until he starts banging Derek he gets no slack.
I DO have boobs and bang Derek....what of it?! *death stare*
ElektraFi wrote: I DO have boobs and bang Derek....what of it?! *death stare*
You qualify for veterans' benefits, after getting shelled like that. You may have PTSD.
Dixon_Tufar wrote: ElektraFi wrote: I DO have boobs and bang Derek....what of it?! *death stare* You qualify for veterans' benefits, after getting shelled like that. You may have PTSD.
Actually I think it is called PTDB..Post tramatic Derek Banging syndrome...
I hate all of you...(except Bubba)
ElektraFi wrote: I hate all of you...(except Bubba)
wow...i think you are the only one ever.
Game 1: https://app.halowaypoint.com/en-us/Halo4/LBSUTKE/wargames/match-84e3f10f22845a5e
Game 2: https://app.halowaypoint.com/en-us/Halo4/LBSUTKE/wargames/match-c8c7b5129ddaed2a
Game 3: https://app.halowaypoint.com/en-us/Halo4/LBSUTKE/wargames/match-f69cd8aa5698f169
Game 4: https://app.halowaypoint.com/en-us/Halo4/LBSUTKE/wargames/match-8885bda8c0ee6f8d
Game 5: https://app.halowaypoint.com/en-us/Halo4/LBSUTKE/wargames/match-001d5762cfc6423c
Game 6: https://app.halowaypoint.com/en-us/Halo4/LBSUTKE/wargames/match-dcbff35a5a3cdc2a
Watch the Video Stream at: http://www.twitch.tv/2old2play/c/1957392
Did we win?!
ElektraFi wrote: Did we win?!
If we get anything above 8th place, I will be shocked.
© 2007 Media Crumb Inc. All rights reserve Media Crumb Inc.
That's a pretty shady list. I don't know of i like this.
I'm complaining to the commissioner about this.
They can get at least Two Episodes out of this easily...
well we will be streaming our l337 gameplay on the 23rd. Tune into this weeks show to find out all the details!!!
probably the truest thing said about my teammate:
credit goes to Dixon for obtaining the truth.
Is Walshy in the secret service? What's he wired up for?
Oh and this team is bullshit.
Cept for tiff who can do whatever she wants because she keeps Derek out of our hair.
LB has boobs too, but until he starts banging Derek he gets no slack.
I DO have boobs and bang Derek....what of it?! *death stare*
You qualify for veterans' benefits, after getting shelled like that. You may have PTSD.
Actually I think it is called PTDB..Post tramatic Derek Banging syndrome...
I hate all of you...(except Bubba)
wow...i think you are the only one ever.
Game 1: https://app.halowaypoint.com/en-us/Halo4/LBSUTKE/wargames/match-84e3f10f22845a5e
Game 2: https://app.halowaypoint.com/en-us/Halo4/LBSUTKE/wargames/match-c8c7b5129ddaed2a
Game 3: https://app.halowaypoint.com/en-us/Halo4/LBSUTKE/wargames/match-f69cd8aa5698f169
Game 4: https://app.halowaypoint.com/en-us/Halo4/LBSUTKE/wargames/match-8885bda8c0ee6f8d
Game 5: https://app.halowaypoint.com/en-us/Halo4/LBSUTKE/wargames/match-001d5762cfc6423c
Game 6: https://app.halowaypoint.com/en-us/Halo4/LBSUTKE/wargames/match-dcbff35a5a3cdc2a
Watch the Video Stream at: http://www.twitch.tv/2old2play/c/1957392
Did we win?!
If we get anything above 8th place, I will be shocked.