Thursday night 4v4 9:00 EST Start
Thursday night 4v4 9:00 EST Start
Whether you have a set of 4 people you have played with for a long time or are just starting to get together with a regular group, this is a chance for 2o2pr's to play 4v4 games. I am putting together some 2o2p settings but they wil be a mixture of Infinity slayer and slayer pro.
To Be Clear, this is not a Tourney. There is no prize. Gold stars will not shoot from your xbox if you win all your matches nor will women and/or men swoon over you. This is to get the 4 v 4 groups together. All team members MUST be a part of 2o2p. no exceptions. Yes games can get intense but lets keep the douchebaggery out of all of this
If you dont already have a group of 4 grab 3 of your buds and join up. I am looking for a group of peeps to roll with so there are not too many groups already out there that play on a regular basis. Lets change that.
The nights will be:: each team has a captain, I will pair captains wil, people go play a couple games, rinse and repeat. Hopefully after a few weeks this can just go on its own with out much needed in terms of pairing groups together.
Lets do this
Be sure you have xi F1R3 ix or F1R3 2o2p on your FL
Fire and I have discussed this and Thursday night is a great idea. The more 2old2play members playing on Thursday nights the better. Feel free to drop in and out the Site Wide. We'll be playing more BTB stuff.
I'll be my team's captain.
I just about have a team together, but I am moving to a new house on Saturday. So I will be packing. Thursday's moving forward I am in.
I might actually decide to take a break from packing and play for a few hours. So our four should be in.