Off topic: Filght sims
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 16:36
Off topic: Filght sims
I'm looking for a combat flight sim, anyone know of a good one? Preferably WW II.
In the past I realy enjoyed MS combat flight sim and even older Chuck Yeager air combat ( the best ever IMO). So I'm not looking for a full-on sim but more something along the line of how "sim" forza is.
Depends on how much power you PC has but I have been fling Combat Flight Sims for the pas 11 years.
I Currently fly the following:
Older low end pc but awesome mods:
(Dont worry about the tags etc they can all be turned off. This is just an example Video)
IL2 Sturmovik 1946
High end PC:
IL-2 Cliffs of Dover
(All in game graphics)
I forgot to add that there is no other ww2 combat flight sun that is more fun or detailed as the il2 franchise :-)
There is another one that is probably on the blend line of full sim and arcade, similar to Forza. I know it's available on the PC & PS3, not positive about the 360. I'll get the name of it when I get home. The preview vids on PSN looked pretty sweet, and I actually got a demo disc for PC when I purchased my flight stick.....but I haven't had a chance to try it yet.
There is a free one called Warthunder I believe. Its an online multiplayer like Tanks online. I'll try and get a link when I get home. Cliffs of Dover is pretty good and they have made several updates so that it runs better.
The guys that made Rise of Flight, a WWI combat flight sim, are working on a WWII combat sim now. Haven't seen much on it but after Rise of Flight its gotta be good.
Thanks guys,I've got Cliffs of Dover running and from the very limited time I've spent on it, it's awsome! A manual would have been nice though, I probably need to spent some time on the forum. The menu structure is uber-cluncky though IMO.
Im downloading War Thunder (for free) as I type this so I can play with my youngest. I have MS flight simulater but thats about the extent of my flight sim experience.
I had War Thunder up and running wicked on the flight stick. But they made some change since the last time I'd played it that linked the head turn w/ the controls. Something is messed up in my control configuration now, but I haven't found it yet.
The multi-platform one I was thinking of was Damage Inc.