Trials of Osiris - bounty runs, anyone?

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#1 Fri, 11/27/2015 - 11:29
BLAMnation's picture
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Trials of Osiris - bounty runs, anyone?

Now that Trials has adopted bounties, it has become a little bit more like Iron Banner. Whereas before you needed to get 5 wins on a Passage to get Gold Tier loot, now you just need to complete one of the bounties - 10 complete matches and 75 fireteam kills.

Notice the word "win" is missing? No need to worry about going 9-0 to get to the Lighthouse, just play. With the folks on here that I've played Iron Banner with, we could knock out the 6 bounties in a couple of hours and earn more 310-level gear.

Anyone interested in trying this out? If so post here and I'll try to set something up.

Fri, 11/27/2015 - 17:10
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Hmmm, pondering.

Fri, 11/27/2015 - 18:21
OldnAchy's picture
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Something definitely to think about.

Tue, 12/01/2015 - 14:05
Duke12's picture
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Would be interested as a Tuesday Halo-after-party activity or maybe on a Friday or Saturday night (the only nights I can easily commit a full 2 hours). Did you make any attempts at this over the weekend, Blam?

Tue, 12/01/2015 - 16:09 (Reply to #4)
BLAMnation's picture
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Duke12 wrote:

Would be interested as a Tuesday Halo-after-party activity or maybe on a Friday or Saturday night (the only nights I can easily commit a full 2 hours). Did you make any attempts at this over the weekend, Blam?

Trials of Osiris only runs Friday afternoon through Monday night (until reset), so Tuesday after Halo isn't possible. This week I have a commitment on Friday evening, so it would need to be on Saturday.

Yes, I ran all three characters through. Each took a little over an hour and a half, using two Passages plus the start of a third to complete all 6 bounties. Only won a few games on the Hunter's time out (when my kid Doma1nation was part of the fireteam). The three Gold Tier packages resulted in 2 artifacts, 303 and 290-something LL and a 306 Reflection Sum pulse rifle (stats similar to Nirwen's Mercy but with better range). Some 280-level gear dropped several times in post game, and my teammates got the Trials fusion rifle, scout rifle, sniper rifle, and rocket launcher.

So none of the drops or rewards I saw this weekend were over 310, but all of the weapons were over 300. I guess you actually have to win a bunch to get the best stuff. We got to 4 wins on one card but just couldn't get that 5th one for a guaranteed armor piece, but I've already had a 310 helmet drop from just completing the bounties.

Wed, 12/02/2015 - 14:04 (Reply to #5)
Duke12's picture
Last seen: 4 years 1 day ago
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Thanks for the update! Hadn't played Trials in so long that I'd forgotten about the Friday-Monday part. I have the reverse situation this weekend: free Friday and commitment on Saturday. I'll rain check it for now or see who else is interested when I start playing on Friday  

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