Tritton Warhead 7.1 for Xbox 360 on the Way????? Believe It Or Not??? THEY ARE HERE!!!
Fri, 08/03/2012 - 13:50
Tritton Warhead 7.1 for Xbox 360 on the Way????? Believe It Or Not??? THEY ARE HERE!!!
Fed-Ex just delivered my Tritton Warhead 7.1 Headset for the Xbox today. Charging Now. Hoping there are no issues and are truly wireless. Praying that it will correct the problem that has plague me since I picked up the CSR Elite Wheel (Turtle Beach Headset Didn't Work). Maybe my perpetual piss-off with Fanatec, Microsoft and Forza will GO AWAY!!!...Will give a Half-Ass (I am Not Zero "The Critiquer") critique when I get them running.
P.S. Ordered them through Mad Catz directly. Gamestop is still stating Mid October for deliverly!
Wheel fixes, Headseats, Good cars in the DLC.
The might be some life left in this dog after all
LOL, it never was a dog in the first place. Almost every time I jump on Forza, I enjoy it. Its easily my favorite game on Xbox, even over NCAA Football and Madden, both of which I buy and play religiously every year.
Update Wheels? How do they work?
Outstanding...I like the link you put in. I read it and it took the words out of my mouth!

...I like the way it looks and I will compare it like I do a Beer...Bourbon...Scotch..Wine...Regardless of price..Cheap or Expensive...Do I like it or Not....I Like It!....Pairing was the major issue but I persevered!
...I am actually starting to feel good again about Forza because it has been a LOOOOOONG time since anything seemed to go right. If it wasn't the game it was the Fanatec and if it wasn't the game and Fanatec it was the headset. I actually missed the game, people that I raced with and the BS that went with it. Hoping that the headset holds up and will not be a issue in the future. If anyone has or had the same issues as I have with the headset and the Elite wheel I would recommend it if you are willing or able to buy one.
P.S. I would of jumped on sooner but I had to wait until the battery charged up!
There is a nice long review that was posted by engadget today. Here is the link:
The bottom line is that they like it...
Deep Appreciation for the link...Surprising what you can learn from reading a detailed critique. What you may think you know from reading the manual and what you learn from a detailed critique is simply amazing. The background of the product as well as the detailed technical facts and comparisons to competitors are truly outstanding...Thanks!!!

Yeah mine too, been playing with BF3 today as I just got it...but to be honest it's not all that, and I'm still longing for my internet to get sorted so I can enjoy racing on Forza again. The new box is cool, connected to my network with no problem so at last my Xbox to PC problems are was a part of the system that was always causing trouble and I'm glad to see the back of it.
I'll give you best Xbox game
Best Console game
As will I. I give the nod for my favorite videogame of all time to Gran Turismo 5, just because I have been playing it non-stop since November 2010, in fact the day it was released, and it still is as fun and engaging to me today, as it was back then. Forza 4 is definitely in my top 5 of all time.
What was this thread about again...
Oh yeah some headphone's.
So wheels how are they.
Been playing online today for some time (5Hr) and haven't had any freezes or lag...If you are talking Live Online I cannot say at this time. I have tried the MS Wireless and for me it didn't work. From experience I have had the freezes and lag with every other headset and wheel combination I have purchased playing Live. My money would be that no matter what you have the servers that either Forza or Microsoft have will continue to have issues.
I received my Warhead headset yesterday. My wife asked "why did you get another headset?" I told her that my current headset, the Turtle Beach PX-5, does not work correctly with my Xbox because of my CSR Elite wheel. She bought the explanation and so the Warhead is staying. Anyway, I only got to use them for less than an hour, but I already have had many of the same experiences as you. Set up was cake, although the pairing instructions are a little confusing. The packaging is great, and made me feel comfortable spending $300 for a headset. The headset feels solid, nothing feels cheap here. The sound quality is superb, it seems like the bass is deeper than the bass in my PX-5 headset. The cars in Forza 4 sound awesome, I really hear the roar of the engine. The chat seems to work well, I can clearly hear other guys and I love the option to adjust the chat volume independent of the game volume. I have yet to test how others can hear me, but if the sound of others is any indication, it will be fine. I am so glad that I now can play Forza 4 online using my Fanatec CSR Elite wheel!!!
Glad You are Happy with Them!!!!...You the Man!!!
P.S. Zero...I am really impressed with the headset...Finally Happy that the headset Fiasco is OVER!!!

Yay for Zero.gif)
I spent some time in a lobby last night with Cotter, Sarcasmo and some other folks. I was using my Warhead headset and my CSR Elite wheel. They reported that the chat from my end was clear. The chat comes via the same proprietary technology as the Microsoft Wireless headset. The chat I hear is relatively clear, and much louder than any other headset I have used with my Xbox. Its a true step up from any other headset that I have tried on the Xbox, including the stock headset, the Microsoft Wireless headset, and the Turtle Beach headsets.
So, the only con for this headset remains the cost, $300, but its worth the money if you want top of the line game sound and chat, and/or if you want decent chat while using the Fanatec wheels.