Unicorn Hunting

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#1 Mon, 09/23/2013 - 14:16
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 06/22/2011 - 23:00
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Unicorn Hunting

I figure by now a good portion of us have at least one full set of unicorns for Forza 4 and Horizon.  Is there anyone that's still hunting?
I'm going to continue an experiment I started a couple of weeks ago.  I participated in the weekly Horizon Scavenger Hunt that's part of the Week in Review article but instead of using my GT in the unicorn request, I used OldSchool's and asked for the last FM4 unicorn he needed to get a complete set. It worked so either they're not paying attention or they're allowing us to gift unicorns to other players.  
I'm going to post my entry for this week's Scavenger Hunt later today.  If you don't have Horizon and are still missing an FM4 unicorn or two from your collection, post your GT and the unicorn you need.  I'll see if I can get it "re-gifted".  First come first serve and if I continue to participate in the hunts I'll try and gift off the unicorns.
If you have Horizon, I've posted details in another thread about this week's Scavenger Hunt that should make it pretty easy for you to take a pic that will earn a unicorn for you or another 2O4F member in need.
Since the Live Challenges and Bounty Hunter events have all but ceased, participating the in the Rear View Mirror, Week in Review, and Heavy Metal Addiction threads is probably the easiest way to get the unicorns you're missing.  Although it does mean venturing onto forzamotorsport.net's forums.  Just stick to the News section and you'll be fine.

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