Wash away your Halo 4 fears.
Wed, 06/06/2012 - 08:43
Wash away your Halo 4 fears.
The NEWS from E3 is GOOD.
I've read dozens of reviews and opinions across the board.
MLG Pros seem to be liking it. Walshy and others are posting on Twitter and making Youtube reports.
Competitive nay sayers seem to be embracing it.
Community leaders are embracing it.
Media is embracing it. Be wary of details they write. Some of the stuff they write are completely wrong. What boneheads.
The naysayers are dimishing by the hour.
The few things people are worried about may just have to be a wait and see deal until put into practice after November 6.
I've been trying to find some "real world" reports from people that have actually had a chance to play War Games at E3.
Can you post a link or two giving us an idea what others are saying?
What I would really like to see is actual video of a whole game instead of random clips.
Expect clips.
Get ready to cream yourself, if a spectator mode is unvieled. Don't expect it yet though.
Note at the end, there is no video because they have been asked by 343 not to post any and are being respectful of their wishes.
Thanks Ghost!
Those are most helpful, so hopefully they continue to post more videos.
br like H3. blah. I was hoping more like h2. 3 it feels mushy to me.
I stil am not completely sold. Walshy hit it on the head when he said hundres of games would have to be played first to get a "true" feel of the weapons. 6 games is not enough (at least for me) to have a decent sample of what it is like.
I have not lost hope, in fact I am more encouraged, but I still am 50/50 on my outlook of it.
I mean I am going to get it, I am not going to lie, I just hoping I do not regret it. My gaming budget is hugely less now then it was and this is taking up a good chunk of it.
Yes. The Halo 3 BR made the most damned sense anyways.
LB, you and Hop are being false prophets. Repent, for the time is nigh. Worship Halo 4 (and Minecraft)...(and Borderlands)...as you should.
Thanks Ghost92.
I was too tired to hunt up the links people were going to ask for. There are more too. Louis Wu had comments, NeoGAF members, the guys you linked to also had twitter comments and of course the media.
I have yet to read a negative report or even a truly hedged opinion.
IGN just posted some actual (off-screen) clips in a series of 5 videos.
Here is Part 1: http://www.ign.com/videos/2012/06/06/halo-4-first-look-at-slayer-multiplayer-gameplay-pt-1-off-screen-e3-2012
The map is beautiful but the person playing is farily clueless - rushing with DMR and nading teammates...lol
We get a look at the Hardlight Shield and I like the fact that it's energy dissipates rapdily with damage.
Also in Part 5 notice the use of the Thruster Pack around the 0:16 and 1:22 mark. Exactly as the name implies, you'll get a quick thrust but in the direction you are travelling. I saw it mentioned you can boost forward or backward.
That is some VERY good information!
I actually like the ideas behind the various packages/upgrades. Nice enhancements but nothing that would be a "game changer".
Here is an excellent write-up: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=38592345&postcount=18327
Fire Power Package: allowing users to carry two primary weapons simultaneously
Hmm, BR/DMR combo here I come.
Flint and steel or no buy!
I wonder if that firepower package means that if you don't take it you are not allowed to pick up a main as your second weapon?
The man in the middle is very wise:
The Sprint arguments are always so much bullshit to me. If everyone has it, like in Halo 4 then it's fair. If being shot slows you down, then that's even more fair. If some of the REACH physics/animation issues are removed then even more acceptable play. It certainly is not some horrible thing and doesn't even come close the potential issues of REACH AL. Just like everyone else, the pros are all over the board on whether they like Sprint or not. When that happens, it's a fair feature.
That OS weapon drop is something that a *cough*beta*cough* would have picked up easily, too.
At least we agree that the Armor Lock was an abomination. Next up: the jetpack.
I almost feel like they should reverse it, so if you die 5 times in a row you get a weapon drop. It would promote balance as opposed to imbalance. When one team is crushing the other team they have all the weapons anyway.
It's not an issue of fairness. If everyone's main weapon shoots popcorn it's fair but boring. The problem with Reach is that the game is too slow, and the problem with Sprint is that it slows down the game because it favors running away over standing and fighting.
When is running away a bad thing? Only when your potential kill escapes? Why stand and fight if you're going to lose and you can escape to fight another day? People ran away in Halo 2 and 3 too.
For the person running away it's a good thing. For the person that may have just lost a kill it's a minor annoyance likely forgotten about in a matter of seconds. But for the person who may watch it on YouTube in 4 months it slows the gameplay down, and we just can't have that.
The complaints about a sprint melee combo (running into battle) are quite pervasive too.
So yeah, Sprint can be used to run away. In Halo 4 the attacker with an apparent upper hand can equally persue and even slow down the opponent in retreat. For the most part, Sprint for everyone is only a little bit different than everyone running at the one full speed. That's mainly why I say it is a bullshit argument.
Armour Lock by comparison was quite a different scenario. One person using it was kind of meaningless to game play. If everyone equipped it, it became a clown circus. The Halo 4 Hardlight Shield only protects on one vector, is (slowly) mobile and more readily defeated by normal activies.
Five months to go. Then we'll be inundated with options and we'll be busy having fun (for awhile). REACH will be but a distant memory.
Bolding mine.
Yeah, that's always been my problem with killstreak rewards. I don't like the idea at all, as presented. Not one bit. There needs to be some balance.
One way, for example, is for there to be zero weapons on the map at all. Every two minutes, drop a power weapon/ammo at a few places on the map. The power weapon drops once on each side of the map or in one location, and ammo drops in other various places.
It sounds like something like that has been done before, though. If only we implemented that throughout the greater community.
(Also, that makes more sense with having the greater ammo loadout. Why in the hell would you ever want more ammo if the guns spawned everywhere? You'd only want that loadout/ability/whatever it is called if weapons spawn infrequently.)
From what I heard, having the extra ammo loadout gives you more ammo for power weapons too. Talk about kicking a person while they're down, Now the dominating team will not only get the weapon drops via map control, they'll also have more ammo for their sniper/rockets/railgun/etc when they pick it up. :/
That would suck giant donkey balls. Imagine this:
Your spawn trapped and then dude with snipe and the dude with rockets or on the winning team. Oh wait, they have "ammo" equiped...
Might was well just run out into the middle and sit there to get the game over with quicker.
I mean I hope that perk/ability would only give the person like 1-2 more rockets or at the most 4 more snipe bullets.
I appreciate your zen koan, but have you actually played Halo before? A free couple of rockets at a key time changes the landscape of a match considerably.
ETA: I didn't mean to sound as prickish as this may come across. Without more complete data, this sounds like a Pretty Big Problem.
Double ETA: "More complete". Fuck grammar today, apparently.
Yeah, it would be bad if one side gets the upper hand and then also gets an abundant supply of Rockets or something else equally powerful. What a horrifying situation. I just don't believe the end product will exhibit those kinds of results. I do believe if something does go awry like 8 ALockers, 8 Bubble Shields or an infinite supply of game-over grenades ruins the game, it'll first get tuned up in the gametype settings and then perhaps tweaked with a TU (I despise those two letters).
I'm confident we'll be okay. People who have serious reservations should just wait and rent the game to see if there is a foundation for their worry.