What Knight gets up to in Malta.
Thu, 04/19/2012 - 17:31
What Knight gets up to in Malta.
We often get vids posted on youtube but this one is about the best fan vid I have seen. It's from the previous two years, and if you view it on youtube you may spot some other stuff too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJfZmPYwG9U&feature=relmfu
You're my hero Knight. That's just awesome. stuff.. For some reason though thinking of anyone from 2O4F brings the video from my previous post to mind. I wish I had a job that cool.
But then I took an aroow to the knee.
LOL here is another one. A promo I helped produce with October Eleven Pictures. This was done on Zero budget, the combat team is mostly trained by me as was the principle. It is in the States at the moment and we hope to get some major backing to go to full production.