Whats with the team fratricide?

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#1 Fri, 03/09/2012 - 08:46
fatLUNCH's picture
Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago
Joined: 09/25/2008 - 23:00

Whats with the team fratricide?

So I had to post this - not sure it will do any good or whatever... but i recently noticed a lot of team killing going on.  Not really team killing but the destruction of our own teams vehicles and shit.. Like we spawn and instantly the engineers are shooting our own tanks and destroying our planes.  This is not even hard core - just Conquest normal mode.


Seriously wtf?  I dont get it.  Then to top it - if I am personally not caputring flags then my team goes down in a full on no lube rape! Not to say that "i am the team" but if no one is capturing objectives then wtf is the point of playing?


Anyone else notice this?

Fri, 03/09/2012 - 09:19
Lala Calamari's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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It's my understanding that a lot of COD players went to BF3 and you know how they are.  They just don't understand Teamwork, 'Merica or apple pie. 


Seriously, I don't know.  It's worse in Hardcore (which is what we usually play) since they can just out right shoot you. 

Fri, 03/09/2012 - 09:33
twitchy's picture
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You can't really do the TK stuff in normal MP modes... it takes a lot more work for it to happen.

It still happens though... "hahaha lets take a chopper, derp... then derp, wait until someone gets in, derp and then I crash it... har har har derp...derp derp..."


USAS Frag Rounds are certainly making it easier for TK to occur on normal MP as well.

if you're in a chopper, a correctly placed frag round will result in immediate death in the gunner seat with the offending player getting a TK.


short of that, the only other times I've seen it are:


1. when you get into an abandon vehicle, that's not fully repaired and your teammates blow it up.

2. team takes a building down and you're in the fallout range.


everything else, usually results in "Bad Luck" or "Suicide"

up to and including walking over a rock the size of your fist on Kharg Island @ the Y split coming from A toward C/B... somewhere around there, so watch your step ;)


Fri, 03/09/2012 - 11:06
2fat's picture
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These types of behaviors is exactly why I play only with people from my clan or the website!  I see this often, but its shortlived once all of us shuffle to the same team! We have a policy for teamkillers. All party members switch to medic and  we rope a dope Timmys ass until he quits!  4 kills for ea party member before you get kicked, and most T!immys quit after the first 10! Anyways its better to run with a group of 4 or more.. We play Hardcore 99% of the time but any time you guys want  to play with a large group that doesnt take Timmys shit, send me a FR and get into some games with us!  GT  toofat4u357.......

Fri, 03/09/2012 - 12:46 (Reply to #4)
fatLUNCH's picture
Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago
Joined: 09/25/2008 - 23:00

2fat wrote:

These types of behaviors is exactly why I play only with people from my clan or the website!  I see this often, but its shortlived once all of us shuffle to the same team! We have a policy for teamkillers. All party members switch to medic and  we rope a dope Timmys ass until he quits!  4 kills for ea party member before you get kicked, and most T!immys quit after the first 10! Anyways its better to run with a group of 4 or more.. We play Hardcore 99% of the time but any time you guys want  to play with a large group that doesnt take Timmys shit, send me a FR and get into some games with us!  GT  toofat4u357.......


I got you on my friends list.. but rarely join. haha..


i cant stand the team killing in the spawn shit.. Thats the main reason i dont play HC.  People jump in jeeps or tanks and just take off - so someone would rather shoot me rather than see if i am going to wait.  I personally would wait for someone (use them as bait if i need to).  


I was playing on Operation Firestorm and the guys were taking tanks and ramming them into planes and shooting them so we couldnt get out of spawn.  How fuking annoying and pointless is that shit?! ARG!


I spend 95% of my time playing solo - and will eventually find a good squad every now and again.  



Sat, 03/10/2012 - 06:07 (Reply to #5)
Kabar's picture
Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
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2fat wrote:

These types of behaviors is exactly why I play only with people from my clan or the website!  I see this often, but its shortlived once all of us shuffle to the same team! We have a policy for teamkillers. All party members switch to medic and  we rope a dope Timmys ass until he quits!  4 kills for ea party member before you get kicked, and most T!immys quit after the first 10! Anyways its better to run with a group of 4 or more.. We play Hardcore 99% of the time but any time you guys want  to play with a large group that doesnt take Timmys shit, send me a FR and get into some games with us!  GT  toofat4u357.......

Your on my FR list but not gamed with you yet , will be on later if your about !!!!!!!!!

Sat, 03/10/2012 - 09:57 (Reply to #6)
Lala Calamari's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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2fat wrote:

 We have a policy for teamkillers. All party members switch to medic and  we rope a dope Timmys ass until he quits!  4 kills for ea party member before you get kicked, and most T!immys quit after the first 10! Anyways its better to run with a group of 4 or more.. We play Hardcore 99% of the time but any time you guys want  to play with a large group that doesnt take Timmys shit, send me a FR and get into some games with us!  GT  toofat4u357.......


Yeah, we don't tolerate habitual team killers.  They soon regret their actions.

Sat, 03/10/2012 - 04:41
GhostPerdition7's picture
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Give them negative feedback on xbox.

I get really fed up with juvenile behaviour.

Cant think of how many times i have gone for a jeep, tank etc to have it blown up in my face, i wait for passengers so we can go capture the objective together, & they c4 me.

But i love the game so much, i keep going back for more.

Sat, 03/10/2012 - 06:14
Blimey's picture
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I see this often too. I assumed they had some agenda. Maybe they are pissed because someone else took the chopper or their friends are on the other team and they want to make sure that team wins? I'm not sure it is always Timmies.

Sat, 03/10/2012 - 07:44
Kabar's picture
Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
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Intentionally making some one angry  on the internet , it started a few years ago on public forums and now has spilled over into video games especially BATTLEFIELD 3 . If you look on YouTube its full of B3 trolling vids.

Sat, 03/10/2012 - 22:41
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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I've destroyed our team's chopper a couple times, both in response to a Timmy taking said chopper and giving it to the enemy.  Turns out his friends were on the other team and he was pulling a Benedict Arnold on us.  

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