Wheel Users - Simulated or regular steering???
Mon, 09/03/2012 - 09:43
Wheel Users - Simulated or regular steering???
Just read some dialogue in another thread suggesting many wheel users use regular steering vs. simulated in Forza? Parcells is very interested in knowing what others (wheel users) use or more importantly which setting do you think is more "SIM like"?
Mine has been set to simulation from day one I'm sure but if this isn't as realistic as regular I may want to switch. If it's more of a "whatever feels better" that's different.
Thank you.
I started with Simulation last October, but went back to Normal after they did some sort of update that made Simulation ungodly hard for Fanatec wheel users.
I use normal, drifters interestingly favor sim...as for which is more "Sim" like, god knows, my wheel feels different in every sim I drive due to the different FFB with RF2 being by far the best, and as every wheel feels different it is down to what works for you.
I have always used Sim in Forza 4, so I have no way to compare. Since I can whip your ass I guess it works just fine.
But can you beat me?
Seriously, I'm sure you can. I am just getting used to the nice wheel that Soapynuts kindly gave me about a mos ago. Thanks again. I just continued the simulation steering that I use for the controller. Just seemed to be the thing to do. Using normal felt a little dead, feel wise to me. That's why I'm using drag tyres on my wheels now in season play. Trying to get a more RL experience. Driving cars I could never afford at speeds I could never attain in RL and live.
Kinda easy when I have been lagging for the last three months and was just going through the motions until I just gave up...up to that point I remember kicking your ass a few times...Anyhoo, if it aint broke don't fix it.
Sim settings are quite a challenge imo, you really have to stay on top of the car or it will get away from you. It's an enjoyable challenge, but when in online racing I choose normal because I feel as I'm a safer racer. I can be quite dangerous in a pack when racing hard on sim.
I use normal.. I thought the sim only affected the fanatec set to 900 degree. something to do with the counter steering.
I went to normal after I think the first update came out. Before that it was simulation but after the update it was practically impossible to control with 900* of steering. I'm not saying one is right or wrong, but in comparison I think normal felt more realistic to me up until I updated firmware. I've yet to try simulation with the new fw though.
Thomas from Fanatec had recommended Normal for their wheels after the Turn 10 update; think he also said to set linearity to 20 or 30. As others have said, simulation seems fine when in control, but it's a real bitch to recover from once the back end has broken loose.
i generally use simulation for Rivals and event mode ie when there's only the AI to beat up on.
For online racing with the 2O4F folks I change back to to Normal to try and limit any side effects I may have on my fellow racers but even that doesn't always help me - sorry in advance to all folks that I touch/hit while racing online
Think I'll try the regular setting out to see if I like it better (lord knows I spin out with the slightest taps much too frequently).
Interesting. Always used sim on my csr-e. I will try normal out. Running the lotus race, some may have noticed how hard it is to catch (if you where behind me).
+1 to the first reply by Zero.
Parcells...Normal for Me!!
P.S...Agree with Zero the Man!
I tried sim, but then switched back to normal. Like others have said, when T10 did an update, it made it nearly impossible to recover from the slightest spin with sim steering on. Thomas from Fanatec also recommended normal because of the way sim reacted with Fanatec wheels.
Normal for me . I still suck !
Sim for me
So that's my problem it's not that I suck but that the settings are wrong.gif)
Normal for Thursdays race and a WIN !
Its my understanding that SIM mode is intended to simulate how one would need to take the time to turn a wheel on a game pad (essentially slowing down the turning movement) on a wheel this would be redundant and would itinerantly put one at a disadvantage of having a slower than realistic steering rate.
I am using Sim on a controller, and I have to agree with Mavic, I thought it was for controller users?