Wheezin & Medic avatar wars
Sat, 07/05/2014 - 00:31
Wheezin & Medic avatar wars
A couple weeks ago in Halo 4 parties, I was offering friends custom-designed avatars & sigs. First Wheezin had requested an avatar dissing Medic when Medic wasn't in the party. Later after Wheezin had left, Medic unaware of Wheezin's request asked for an avatar dissing Wheezin.
Since I recognize true love when I see it, as soon as I was finished working on another Halo-themed project, I set about working on their avatars. I used their Xbox Live avatar faces, since I don't know what they look like, lol.
Here are the finished avatars using details as requested by each party. I am not responsible for the content, only the art (although I couldn't do the walker without adding some tennis balls, lol): Don't kill the messenger, boys!
Too funny! Is Medic wearing a diaper? Lol.
Why yes, yes he is. Wheezin was particularly specific on that point. He's also nursing a binky.
Cheez, that is the hairstyle Medic has chosen for his avatar on LIVE, so...? Whaddya do, right? lol
Okay. :)
LOL! Good ones, Addict!! :D
Medic is bald, by the way.
ROF-F'n LMAO!!! Hilarious, nice work AddiCt3d 2!!
TOO funny!!
(psssst...! btw, I haven't told either one of them about this yet
For now. ;)
I get to pick an avatar on Live???
Nice work on Wheezin's avatar as I recollect you did EXACTLY as requested, "keep it simple, 'cause Wheezin is the simplest one in 2o2p"!
Oh snap!
I noticed you didn't say anything about your avatar, lol, don't you like that sweet ambu-hawg? Wartulance? (Ew, that sounds like a personal problem: wartulance... lol!)
LOL Wartulance. Can't stop laughing...