Why is it so dead around here?
Thu, 11/19/2015 - 17:11
Why is it so dead around here?
Since the release of FM6 many of us have returned and its kind of like the old days with multiple series running with decent participation yet the forums remain very static.
Is Facebook where conversing is happening or is that dead too?
I do not know...I haven't been on the Facebook thingie but I guess I will go look at it...
Actually I am dead but still playing games. http://youtu.be/qB4X_wS-tRw
Can anyone confirm for Parcells if there are any "race series" on Facebook that are not announced here on 2O2P? I know of Grimm and Fitzy Thursday series and Snoops Sunday series, Gizzies casual Wednesday afternoon cause they are announced here, wondering if I'm missing out on others.
Picked up my XBone Elite yesterday...Putting it together today...Back Into the Microsoft/Forza Fold...Can't Wait To Get Together With My Old Idol..."Old School"...Might Need Some Of His "Mike's Famous" Old School Paints.

Hmm, "Mike's Famous Oldschool Brew"....Wheels, you might be onto something !!!
I guess I have to let you call me old...
Cannot Call You Old Old School...I May Have The Record For That Here!

Well, get all hooked up and get started beating all my rivals times... I beat one of Old Melty D's on Sebring dark last night.
Well that would be quite a feat if I was any good. But as I said in another post I am getting my timing once again. However I was never really a threat to you. But some of the Rivals do include water so I may do better in those. I'll wear a speedo.
Finally some action. Ole Wheels is back on XOne & FM6 with some special equipment. Look out everyone this is just gettin started, hoochimama.
Will have to start thinking about a Parcells special...anyone have any stock cars (zero upgrades) that would be good to race with...something slow, Perhaps a nice chardonnay or a Lotus perhaps?
Lets pick a car or two and get something started...Parcells, Wheels and Old School can you imagine?
Parcells...If and when you get something started give me a email...For the life of me I am still trying to find my way around on the Forza site. Haven't figure anything out yet. Took me a while just figuring out that I had to run a race just to get things rolling...WT?...As for contacting friends and getting together for a race....Still figuring it out!
GT is oldmodelt. I have no friends so am always trolling for unsuspecting victims.
Once I Figure It Out I Will Troll One Over OMT.

No need to. It's in your messages as I type if you are WHEELS 555?
Just did the Formula Ford Spec and it was interesting...although it could use some rear diff tweakage. rest of the car is quite civil.