Woefully slow

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#1 Sat, 03/24/2012 - 02:53
Shadders's picture
Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
Joined: 03/17/2012 - 17:16

Woefully slow

Having had my first few races online last night, Thanks for the invite Dizziegod, and sorry for being quite think my mike is playiung up, did try to speak but gave up after a while, get new one today. anyway back to topic, its apparent that my cars in stock form are no where near you guys, I have played around with Feurdogs v3 tuner in the past but didnt really know what I was doing, so want to try again now as am I'm more into the game, the problem is I cannot find a version that will run on Libreoffice on linux, anyone got any ideas, the old version 3 openoffice one works for me but have read its not anygood for Forza4, any help appreciated. its either that or get a course car paint job and follow everyone round at a safe distance checking the track is clear

Sat, 03/24/2012 - 03:29
POIDSLY's picture
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You also need to bare in mind that there are some seriously quick peeps here, including Gizzie. I used to use feuerdog for fm2 and 3, but am no longer bothering. I tend to ensure the build is right more than anything and then set up basic geo/tyre pressure/brakes and diff. Bump and rebound is thanks to Fantomas (see below) ARB and springs is still voodoo to me and that bit is done by hammer bashing :) Tbh there are fabulous tuners here who will share (unlocked) tunes for personal tweaking. PTR (Paps, Tourni etc) just buy rate and request. Great bunch. Slavemunkeys calc (see the fm.net) thread is meant to quite good. Oh, and someone might find a link for you for the Fantomas 1 minute tune post. That works. Cheers
Sat, 03/24/2012 - 04:21
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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I'm not sure Fantomas' One Minute tune thread survivied the v2 to v3 forum switch.

However, I did print out a copy of it and keep it by my Xbox.  Hopefully I've transcribed it correctly.

Fantomas wrote:

TUNE YOUR CAR IN 1 MINUTE, great handling, smooth driving over kerbs and bumps.  I use this all the time.

FWD (all cars)
Caster 7.0
Anti-Roll Bars 20/35
Rebound 10/12
Bump 1/2
Differential 25/10

RWD (all cars)
Caster 7.0
Anti-Roll Bars 25/20
Rebound 10/12
Bump 1/2
Differential 25/100

MR Rear engine (all cars)
Caster 7.0
Anti-Roll Bars 30/20
Rebound 12/10
Bump 2/1
Differential 25/100

4WD (all cars)
Caster 7.0
Anti-Roll Bars 20/35
Rebound 10/12
Bump 1/2
    Front 40/0
    Rear 50/70
    Torq 70

The tune for Camber, toe, springs and ride height is your choice.
Personally I barely touch those areas.


Sat, 03/24/2012 - 06:26
jcotter13's picture
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Also be sure to try some cars from your club garage. Anything you like there, message the person who put it up & they'll happily share the tune in most cases. Then you can see how other folks build & set up thir own cars. Then you can apply it to your own work.

If you can't find what you're looking for in the club garage, post up here & let us know what you're looking for & chances are that someone has done it. If not, then some of us can put together a rough car pretty quickly for you.

I'm also avalable for racing school anytime you'd like. Just let me know when you'd like to have a session & we'll make it happen.

Lastly, be sure to get yourself regitered at myforzagarage.com. There's a building & tuning database there as well as tuning calculators if you want one. Plus we have our event sign-ups there too.



Sat, 03/24/2012 - 09:04
gizziegod's picture
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it take a little time to get up to speed racing humans (fitzy excepted) buit you will get there i send you a garage invite last night before i got off, that will help a little and as J says if you see anybody running something you fancy just ask and of coarse there is PTR tuning you will find there storefront from my Fr list

Sat, 03/24/2012 - 09:15
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Don't worry Shadders we all went through exactly the same thing, well except the Aliens (clan talk for the unnaturally fast) Stick at it and with all the help on offer here you will soon be keeping up with the mortal drivers like myself and even mixing with the mid runners. One track night I even won a race...okay I was hosting, and it was my best track, and my best tune, in my favorite car...but it felt good. I will soon be running a series where the cars will have tunes supplied for each track, so you will know at least you have the best tune from one of our top tuners. 

Sat, 03/24/2012 - 09:33
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Hey, I made the fast room the other night, so I guess that;s top 50%ish?

Sat, 03/24/2012 - 11:13
Shadders's picture
Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
Joined: 03/17/2012 - 17:16

Thanks guys for the advice and encouragement, have saved Fantomas setup guide, thanks Shaggy and have registered at myforzagarage, I guess its a very steep learning curve but once you hit the top its we worth the effort, suppose I'm expecting to much to soon, after all like you say I am now racing humans with skill and experience not computer AI that does not exactly put up much resistence even at the hardest level, , looking forward to learning racecraft from everyone and hopefully becoming a better driver, the only way is up, or should I say forward

Sat, 03/24/2012 - 11:32
jcotter13's picture
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It definitely takes time & an investment on your part to practice.

The best advice that I can give is to remember that no matter how good your oppnent may be, he was just as bad as you at one point. I guarantee it. Don't be afraid to jump in with both feet & mix it up with folks. You only learn from your mistakes. Folks will cut you some extra slack for being new as well. It's hard to do, but the objective is not to drive fast, but to drive at your comfort level & aim for consistency. Once you do that, you'll be amazed at how quickly & naturally the speed will come.

Sat, 03/24/2012 - 13:13
oldmodelt's picture
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Shadders wrote:

Having had my first few races online last night, Thanks for the invite Dizziegod, and sorry for being quite think my mike is playiung up, did try to speak but gave up after a while, get new one today. anyway back to topic, its apparent that my cars in stock form are no where near you guys, I have played around with Feurdogs v3 tuner in the past but didnt really know what I was doing, so want to try again now as am I'm more into the game, the problem is I cannot find a version that will run on Libreoffice on linux, anyone got any ideas, the old version 3 openoffice one works for me but have read its not anygood for Forza4, any help appreciated. its either that or get a course car paint job and follow everyone round at a safe distance checking the track is clear


The quick tune sheet that Shaggy posted from Fantomas works for me also.  Just settle in and adjust yourself, have fun.  Running with the clan will help.  As will doing the many races that are avail.  Esp. the longer Full Sim ones (shameless plug inserted) http://www.2old2play.com/forum/group-forums/2old4forza/2012-alms-race-serieswink  OpenOffice will work for you if you use the 97-2003 word setup.  It does for me.

Sun, 03/25/2012 - 03:06
Shadders's picture
Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
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I have to say those setting from Shaggy really do make the cars a lot more drivable, have tried them on a few cars and the improvement in handling is certainly noticeable, a great base setting to start, means I can spend time trying to find some good engine gearbox settings

Sun, 03/25/2012 - 06:45
Tourni6's picture
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As J said, drive consistantly at first, its the main thing i teach everyone when they are learning.  It is much easier to improve when your are consistantly doing things wrong, other racers can give you more specific advice on how to imrpove your laps.

Work on one thing at a time an the rest will follow suit, if you try to do it all then you'll probably get overwhelmed.


The first thing you should work on is spotting your brake points, apex's and corner exits.  Focus on the brake point on approach to the corner, then look at the apex once you hit the brakes when the car is heading for the apex move your attention to the corner exit.  Try to get your car to hit these points consistently and you'll start picking up pace pretty quickly, compare your points to other drivers :)  

Sun, 03/25/2012 - 21:56
psybertech's picture
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FWIW: gearing is the thing I rarely do. 


One thing I do do is this on every build to start with and normally, its where my gearing will end up in the end (see below for when I actually 'tune' the gears)

For every car, every time I have an adjustable tranny:

Build and tune the car and then benchmark it. Note the top speed. Go back to gearing and see where the final gear lands.

If your benchmark says 185 but the gearing suggests that the final gear is going over 200, move the slider to get the final gear close to the 185 and re-benchmark it. Once you see that the top speed hasn't dropped with the new overall gearing, you are done for the starting point. Normally doing this will give you better benchmarks in the 0-60 and 0-100 times since you moved the slider more for acceleration over speed that you weren't going to get to.

You could slide the opposite way to see if there is more speed available, but normally it won't be more than a MPH or 2 or so. So I never look as I prefer acceleration over top end most of the time (I don't do many speed tracks really so take that for what its worht).

When I actually do "tune" gearing, its for two reasons:

1) Drag tuning - can't really drag with stock gearing at all and all gears to be used need tuning - ughh, lots of tuning

2) setting top speed for a track - either adjusting the slider up or down so the final gear (95% of the time) just hits redline on the longest straight on the track at the desired MPH. I will do this in rivals or hotlapping a leadeboard. This is similar to my initail tuning but different in you need to know what MPH you need or want. Don't say 170 if there is no way to break 150 realistically. Once you know what that speed is, set the overall. Normally it will be your last gear but some cases not.(more below)

The downside to #2 is the gearing is now set to a track and won't always work on other tracks.

There are some cases where you will have a track where you don't need 5th or 6th gear (depending on the tranny) so you would adjust either 4th or 5th as your final gear knowing you won't get into the final gear. Those are rare but they are also a tad more universal in that you can set the overall for a top speed on a given track in a specific gear, but on other, longer tracks, you still have another gear (or 2) to use.

That is jsut a quick way. Tuning individual gears based on track is ideal, but I don't mess with it 99.9% of the time unless I cannot beat a certain time and I am frustrated or something just doesn't feel right.


Just a few thoughts....................... :)

Mon, 03/26/2012 - 15:23
Shadders's picture
Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
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Thanks to everyone here for your contribution, I can happily say I have improved no end since joining this site, no this community, all your advice has been copied/pasted and stickied to my desktop, the gears advice from psybertech I have found extremely useful, it was always the gear ratio's that I used to mess up, but now have a great starting base for almost all aspects of tuning, it will be a while before I am putting out tunes like you guys, buy thanks to you all, I now have a better understanding of how to set up a car, for both handling and speed, the base setting I am trying are already 100 time better than anything I have done before, but that was when I was just randomly moving sliders up and down, hopeing it was going to somehow improve the car, yeah right, my biggest mistake was changing everything at once, never really knowing what had made the car handle worse or better, One thing at a time from now on and test test test after every adjustment, making notes as I go, this brain ain't what it used to be, cant keep so much stuff init  these days, a bit like my bladder LOL

Anyway again a very big thank you to all, And hopefully one day you will see Shadders looming large in your mirrors.

Mon, 03/26/2012 - 16:09
KnightofRedemption's picture
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You do know the day you overtake me in a proper race I will disown you and never speak to you again LOL No it's great to hear and it's a pleasure to have another dedicated racer in the crew. 

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