Wow... i thought i played a lot
Fri, 04/06/2012 - 09:08
Wow... i thought i played a lot
I was playing on the 2old2play's public server - and there was some pretty high rank people playing and owning the shit out of us... Thought i would share this guy's info - not that he was overly impressive on his game play, but seriously 1209 hours (50+ days) of game play!! damn!
I've seen a guy that was a 92! That's a friggin lot of playing!
Ryukos was one of the biggest tank whores I had ever seen.
Pretty much. I don't knock people for it, but it still ticks me off to see someone go from tank to tank an entire match. Im just happy they are easier to kill.
Always remember guys, the 2o2p server is public so we can rank up. If you have someone on there that is being an ass (not that this guy was) or you need room for more 2o2p people feel free to ask and admin to boot them. I'll get a list up of admins this weekend.
That would explain why we were such a great team in a game we shared recently. Looks like he's averaging a rank increase a day. That's crazy.
I read the PC forum more than I play the game - mostly because it boosts my self-esteem and gives me a feeling of superiority that I can't find in my real life
Also, PC gamers are such prissy little girls,( and that's insulting to prissy little girls ).
As usual, all threads become flame wars and down to e-peen, stat thrashing. People proudly boast, " I've got 200+ hours ", etc.
Phrases like:
"..during my Battlefield CAREER...." - When do you get your next pay rise ? What was the interview like for that position of fat dweeb in front of a monitor ?
" I've put a lot of WORK into my stats.." - No you haven't. You've put a lot of PLAY into your stats & have probably never worked a day in your life, judging by the number of hours played.
- " My clan is in the BUSINESS of winning..." - Riiight. Your marketing strategy seems to be using public forums to show what a dick you are !
1209 hours !!! Somebody needs an intervention.
saw a guy over the weekend that was lvl100 his GT = IT TECH SUPPORT
Yeah, there was an Italian kid last nite in the 2o2p rented server that was a lvl 100.
Yep, also saw a 100 the other day. That is a crazy amount of time put in