WTF is up with " crouch only " servers.?
Thu, 03/15/2012 - 15:05
WTF is up with " crouch only " servers.?
Any PC players find themselves in these ?
No running or you'll be kicked, crouch move only, hardcore.
It's like a knee jerk reaction to the dual wielding headless chicken servers...except they call themselves " tactical * "
* tactical meaning camp in a corner the whole match and shoot anyone who passes by.
I swear, these twats wouldn't get a single kill if it wasn't for idiots like me moving round the map looking for anybody to shoot.
Rant almost over...I'm just pissed off that I wasted money on this shitty game
(At least I can still find a game of the original MW, and easier kills 'cos kids are standing there waiting for the rocket launcher to lock on )
Crouch only? Screw that.
Man, that's only marginally less fun that getting stuck in games where the only weapon you can use is an Uzi with an ACOG.
Larry from 2old2shoot would highly disagree with you. Just ask Fetal and Tiger about how good he is.
Troof, Larry is the best. He will cross map Acog Uzi snipe you all day.
That sounds like the least fun thing anyone could ever do in COD