Battlefield 3 Premium pricing
Wed, 05/30/2012 - 10:25
Battlefield 3 Premium pricing
Looks like $50
Our European friends at the PlayStation Blog made a bit of a mistake this morning, it seems, having accidentally outed an upcoming "Premium" service for Battlefield 3, as well as a date (June 4) and pricing across European/Australian regions (£39.99/€49.99/AU$79.99). What's more, is the game's upcoming DLC pack "Close Quarters" also got a date and price: June 4, £11.99/€14.99/AU$23.95.
As you might imagine, someone at Sony quickly realized the issue and pulled the info ... but not before Google Cache caught it in its icy, permanent grip. We've reached out to EA and Sony for more info, but it sounds like the rumored Call of Duty Elite-esque service for Battlefield 3 is more than just a rumor.
apparently on June 4th we'll see all the info
With stuff like "server queue priority", "exclusive Double XP weekends", and getting DLC 2 weeks before everyone else, it looks like EA managed to out douche Activision.
Well they did it first :)
May just keep Battlefield now. Sounds decent just for the dlc.
Maybe its just me, but military shooters seem to be nickel-diming the consumer in their efforts to 1up each other.
I like BF3, but I'm not a fan of server preference just because you paid an extra $50.
I must be getting old and cranky, but I'm not sure how much longer I can do competitive multi-player shooters.
EA @ E3 1pm PDT today.
Armored Kill premiere trailer to be dropped
and a number of other good apparently...
who knows.
I can't justify the $50 though... i already had to drop $15 on B2K because Best Buy screwed me over.
Twitch did you drop Battlefield now? or taking a break or what? I haven't played in weeks since the babies, but you have been MIA for quite some time.
I was considering purchasing the Battlefield Premium Service, (and let's be honest, it's just a very expensive online pass). Got to playstation store and saw EA had kit, coop, and vehicle shortcuts for sale. You can buy them all for Forty bucks. Forty bucks. I found this so distasteful I did not buy the Premium Service. This would comparable to COD selling prestige tokens for real money. (imagine the hue and cry that would cause.). This battlefield premium service is fifty bucks. Fifty bucks. And you are paying for the privilege of being allowed to download new modes on new maps. Sorry EA. my fat fingers and this iPad don't work well together.
Your paying for map packs, the other stuff is "bonus" if you were to rent a server.
But $50 for the 4 map packs is pretty resonable considering a MW map pack goes for $15.
I'm not saying it's right or wrong but if your going to buy the map packs anyways it saves you money. Everything else is decoration.
I have been, yea...
There was the patch, and that was annoying, but so happens at the same time, I started school (almost done first class, exam on wednesday... )
aside from that it's summer, and wife likes to do things in the summer that take up gaming time... (of course, I don't mind doing those things either so there's that)
I'd also been sucked back into the world of PC gaming, particularly "ShotOnline" a golf game I've played for years. basically a Golf MMO, it's a Freemium model.
(got a new laptop, so I'm planning to play some D3 as well)
all that said, I've barely used my PS3 for anything other than music unlimited, or Netflix for the past 2 months.
with the recent PS+ updates, I'm going to be drawn back into it.
just not 100% sold on the BF3 premium stuff at this point... is it enough to suck me back in?
I picked it up and I am pretty happy. CQ (close quarters) is fun a little too much like COD. The new guns are pretty cool, but I like the additional assignments and the dog tags are pretty sweet (black). If you like BF3 and planned on picking up the DLC it is well worth it.
I picked it up because it's really a $10 saving on the map packs, and I knew I was gonna buy the map packs anyway. The Camo, and knife are about useless, and to me anyway, the server queue priorty is kinda a joke, I mean how's it prioritize 2 Premium members in line? And honestly, the only time I ever waited for a server was when I wanted to play with you guys, and even then I was always 1 of 1, otherwise I just look for a server with more than one open slot.
I got premium. Typically play Friday or Sat nights - Eastern time if anyone is on.
just FYI,
I sent an application to join the 2o2resist platoon for ps3 - my ps3 tag is "paok888" as i use my "yaok888" for the xbox.
let me know whose boot to lick so I can join.
what I really need is a good chopper pilot to help me with the "fire from the sky" coop mission as I cannot fly for sh**t.
added you yaok.
Thanks Twitch,
Platoon seems kinda inactive,
I'm still working on my Karkand assignments and I'm on most nights maybe 7-9 PST so anybody who's still active on BF3 send me an FR
and I'll help you out with the win 5 SQDM assignments if anybody still needs that one.
will also do Coop with folks as I still have the G3 to unlock. (now Done)
also finished the Co-op heli mission.
yaok, it's definitely inactive these days.
I haven't been on a heck of a lot.
Biz, and Nos and I used to be on nightly but I got busy with summer and all, Nos has the twins now and Biz... he misses us. ;)
I'm on mostly during the middle of the week, but with most of the guys living in the future (EST), I get on about the time everyone is leaving.
FR sent yaok
You can add me Yoak. I have been MIA for quite a bit though but would like to be able to start playing again...that is if my demon spawns will let me. Hope to see you around.
I'm on most weekends and will give you an add. I haven't done any of the Co-Op at all.
My worst thing is Recon - trying to finish up the Location tag in premium requires 100 kills with the L96. I'm not sure which is worse, the admins that kick you for no reason or playing Recon for 3 hours.
Thanks guys,
I did manage to finish that Helicopter co-op mission tonight with me scraping by piloting.
I'll send out some FRs over the next couple days but I'm working on my co-op stuff to get my G3 unlock.