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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
Anyone have Dying light and want to play some co-op?
I'm not far into the game - I Just unlocked the multiplayer bits after doing the tutorials - so I'm still learning the city and am generally terrible at the game. :)
look me up...ill play...been working late this week....probably want be able to play long till friday
psn daethdevil
Will do. I played a bit with Snapperbait the other night and had a total blast.
It's a lot more reassuring having someone else running away from big ass zombies out to kill you. :)
© 2007 Media Crumb Inc. All rights reserve Media Crumb Inc.
look me up...ill play...been working late this week....probably want be able to play long till friday
psn daethdevil
Will do. I played a bit with Snapperbait the other night and had a total blast.
It's a lot more reassuring having someone else running away from big ass zombies out to kill you. :)