Horrible is fine - I'm horrible ... especially with Zerg which is what I play now (I think I was slightly less horrible with Protoss). Post your character info here.
Tukker 593
You can find this by logging into SC2 and hovering over your avatar in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Cardiac and MrPete can you post your info as well (I already have you both on my in game FL but others might not).
I prefer the Mumble - however I can't remember the info for new people to connect to it lol and I think Mr.Pete never did get it working?? The mumble works awesome if we can get it working for everyone :D it's very handy.
Here is the post from the v2 forums about the mumble server setup. Maybe it would be good to sticky another post with the below info? The 2o2p Gamers channel has been changed to "Steam Channel".
Doodi has been generous enough to let us use his Mumble server. Here is how you get setup.
I haven't had a chance really to mess around with it. It's been a crazy busy past few months. While I think mumble would work great for games like Starcraft and Battlefield, I still prefer general chat for TF and other steam games.
Not sure what time i might be available tonight or if i will be. The wife is getting home from being away at a work conference all week. So depending on what she wants to do, I migth not be around. Hit me up anytime you guys want to play, I am on most nights.
You betcha.
I'm down!
nice we got a posse! :D
Depends on what time friday, but i migth be available.
Just for the record, I am horrible........lol
Horrible is fine - I'm horrible ... especially with Zerg which is what I play now (I think I was slightly less horrible with Protoss). Post your character info here.
Tukker 593
You can find this by logging into SC2 and hovering over your avatar in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Cardiac and MrPete can you post your info as well (I already have you both on my in game FL but others might not).
As far as the voice channel is concerned, should we use the one party channel in the game or use the mumble server? My character info is below.
character code - 371
I prefer the Mumble - however I can't remember the info for new people to connect to it lol and I think Mr.Pete never did get it working?? The mumble works awesome if we can get it working for everyone :D it's very handy.
Here is the post from the v2 forums about the mumble server setup. Maybe it would be good to sticky another post with the below info? The 2o2p Gamers channel has been changed to "Steam Channel".
Doodi has been generous enough to let us use his Mumble server. Here is how you get setup.
Go to http://mumble.sourceforge.net/ and get the latest stable client for Mumble for your OS.
Label: 2old2play
Server: vx39.commandchannel.com
Port: 31566
Password: nostress
Doodi suggests setting up Mumble using the wizard. We have a 2o2p PC Gamers channel that we can meet and talk in.
Nice! Thanks Cardiac! Guys do this ^^ trust me it's worth it - the Mumble is so nice and will work with all the games we want to play.
I haven't had a chance really to mess around with it. It's been a crazy busy past few months. While I think mumble would work great for games like Starcraft and Battlefield, I still prefer general chat for TF and other steam games.
So what time do we want to start this tonight?
I should be on around 9 est.
Not sure what time i might be available tonight or if i will be. The wife is getting home from being away at a work conference all week. So depending on what she wants to do, I migth not be around. Hit me up anytime you guys want to play, I am on most nights.
heathen #693
Tonight is date night, but I should be on late if you guys are still going ...