Games to look forward to in 2013
Mon, 01/07/2013 - 12:07
Games to look forward to in 2013
What games are you looking foward to on the PC in 2013?
For me:
Starcraft 2 Heart of the Storm
Company of Heroes 2
Crysis 3
DayZ Standalone version
Beyond that still looking forward to playing Dishonored, Far Cry 3, Mass Effect 3 and Sleeping Dogs from 2012 lol :) I find I'm much more drawn to smaller company / indy games in 2012 and so I skipped a lot of the AAA games. Like on the list above more than half are small or indy devs.
I'm just looking forward to maybe getting the time to play some of the ridiculous backlog of games I now have in my Steam and Origin libraries, not to mention the the Xbox games I've got that are unfinished or even unopened...
Beyond that, Aliens: Colonial Marines and Metro: Last Light are looking good.
oh Prison Architect needs to be on my 2013 list also!
Right now the only 2013 game on my radar is GTA5. Like Beefy, my backlog is embarassing long. I picked up the GOTY batman AA and AC during the holiday. So I need to beat AA just to get to AC. Speaking of AC I picked up the Assassins Creed franchise on steam so thats aother 3 or 4 on my list.
I have a huge backlog, BUT, I'll always have time for some Starcraft.
Bioshock Infinite
Crysis 3
Aliens Colonial Marines (Waiting for review because they could easily fuck that up.)
Day Z standalone.
Dead Space 3.
South Park stick of truth.
Fez and The Cave are my Indie games coming out for PC that I really want to get into.
damn....Arma 3 is also coming out. Looks like a solid year for PC :) w00t.