Head Tracking (Face Track No IR + Rise of Flight)

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#1 Mon, 03/26/2012 - 20:17
BlowMonkey's picture
Last seen: 9 years 6 months ago
Joined: 12/04/2006 - 23:00

Head Tracking (Face Track No IR + Rise of Flight)

So I've been playing this awesome WW1 flight sim called Rise of Flight (free of course - but you can pay for extra planes and missions etc.....which I will be doing!).

Being a WW1 sim you don't have a "radar" lol or anything like that so you are constantly having to look around you while you are flying - to the sides / above / down at your controls and behind you.  Typically people do this with the mouse for looking and then have the other hand on their flight stick.  But a lot of people use TrackIR which is a program / camera setup that costs about 200.00 and tracks your head movement.   However; there are a couple of "free" options out there and this is the first one I've tried.  This one is a face tracking application (basically Kinect for your face lol).

It works really well - better than I thought it would.  Some key things to getting it to work well including having a decent machine (it is processor intensive) and a good camera.  I used my PS3 Eye which is a very good (high FPS) web camera (I tried it with my build in iSight camera on my mac but the performance was noticibaly worse).  I still have some tweaking to do to get it working how I want it but I have it pretty close right now :)  Here is a little video I made showing how it works etc.



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