Mic use PS3 vs 360
Mic use PS3 vs 360
First let me say I have been a 360 guy for 5+ years.I have also owned my PS3 for @ 3 years. My PS3 gaming has been mainly exclusive single player. My 360 gaming has been single player but mostly online shooter games.
Recently PS+ offered BF3 has a free download. Good deal. although I have nearly 400 hours(battlelog numbers) on the 360 I thought it would be fun starting over on the PS3.Also a good way to gear up for my pre-orderd PS4 BF4 gamiing. Strange thing I noticed comparing the 2 gaming systems is the lack of mic use. Now not everybody uses mics on the 360 but it seems they are nearly non exsistent on the PS3. Is this a gaming system culture difference? As a hard core BF guy I need to hear some chatter. I rarely even see a mic icon on either team on the PS3 much less hear game comunication.
Frankly I am a bit nervous about the PS4 and my choice. BF is my game and I am hoping that I'm not making the wrong choice on systems.
Any thoughts?
PS3 didn't ship with a mic. PS4 will. I imagine that alone will increase the chat.
That said I'm kinda glad it (ps3) didn't. I don't need to hear a bunch of total jackassery. It was a lot more chattery upon release (bf3) it that helps. I think a lot of *hardcore* (people that would go out and buy a mic) have moved to different games. Blops 2 has a large amount of chatter, TLOU is about half and the older games are pretty quite.
Also, don't you have to switch from squad to team chat to comm between squads in bf3? Maybe pipe up on mic and tell the team to switch from squad to team chat.
I didn't notice that the PS4 ships with a mic. Is the PS4 not bluetooth as the PS3?
Changing to team on BF3 won't make a difference if no one even has one plugged in. I talk on "team" not "squad" as the norm on BF.
This is the only pic I could find. It looks like the mic you got with your first cell phone.
There is a port on the controller for the mic. Very much like the 360 has.
About half way down the page.
And yes the controller is still BT like the ps3 so I have my fingers crossed BT mics will be supported. The water is still kinda muddy. Devs have said yes BT mics work but I don't recall Sony saying the same.
Thanks for the replies. I found some of that information last night after reading your first reply. Good news indeed.I actually like the idea of a mic jack on the controller.Perhaps there will be a way to use my turtle beaches if the bluetooth route isn't there.
What TB's? If it uses a TOSlink cable I don't see why they wouldn't work like it does on your 360.
The differance between the ps4 and 360 mic jack is the ps4 is bigger iirc. 2.5 mm for the 360 and the ps4 is 3.5 mm (I think, acording to me eye balling it). There are adapters.
I can't believe chat is not used as much. I don't think that people know that you can use almost any bluetooth headset to play on the ps and look at the expensive ps3 version and don't pick it up.
You can even use an old school usb.
Before I got my Trittons and Pulse sets I bought a usb set for pc at Walmart and hacked up game sound from the A/V port.
I for one am glad for the difference....and fear everyone having a mic on the PS4. Thank goodness most games allow for a mute all or a mute all but my friends (hopefully that exists on the PS4 as a setting like on the 360). I think about 85% of all people that talk online are fucking donkeys who just sing and spout racism or smack talk or talk about just the most random stupid shit...I don't need that. If you're talking about the game and being useful great - if not - insta mute.
Have they not announced party chat/cross gaming chat, etc, on the PS4? I thought they did.
If that makes its way over to the PS4 then we won't have to worry about why a kid who's nads hasn't descended yet is talking about dirty sanchezing my mother.
On the 360 I have my communications set to friends only and it's great but most of the time i'm in a party chat anyway.
Don't worry about your experiences with non talkers in PS3 games. Communications in gaming has evolved too much for Sony to limit it in its next console. Plus the PS4 is cheaper so you'll have all the strapped for cash high schoolers and college punks making your ears bleed in BF4.
The only thing I fear is that with the ability to link Facebook to your gamertag/psnID, pervs like BlowMonkey will use pictures of his hairy Canadian nut sack as their avatar.
They did announce x-chat for games so I would just assume that a private chat function would be needed in order to make that work.
Ian, So they have confirmned party chat? That would be great news if it works similar to XBL.
I know that they announced cross game chat for sure. I would venture to guess that taking an entire lobby full of BF4 players and letting them x-chat with a lobby of CoD partcipants would cause utter chaos and cause the Earth to reverse it's axis and throw us all in to space. I would think that the only way x-chat in game would be possible is with some sort of private chat system... who knows maybe they have something else in mind, but from the video they showed at E3 it looked as if they were only chatting amongst themselves.
Party chat (not behind psn+ paywall), 2000 friends list (that's gonna be a long day for pyro)
I love the '2,000' friends. As if anyone could handle that many, let alone 1,000 for X1.
You know they looked at the X1 and went "ok, we'll DOUBLE it!'
Nice.Thanks for posting.Now its just a matter of getting people to actually communicate on BF
Probably was, and thank you MS for making it so easy for Sony to play 1up...
in any case it's better than the 100 we have now.