Mount & Blade : Warband (and Napoleanic War)

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#1 Tue, 07/17/2012 - 11:27
BlowMonkey's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
Joined: 12/04/2006 - 23:00

Mount & Blade : Warband (and Napoleanic War)

Ok this game is nuts lol  I'm only going to talk about the Multiplayer (the most interesting aspect to me and the place I'll probably spend most of my time).

First game I jumped into was a 40 v 40 Elimination type game (Battle is what it is called).  It's a 1 life deal and is basically CounterStrike with knights and horses and archers and shit.  You buy equipment at the beginning of the round and earn money for damage / kills etc. each round.

I was on foot and chose a bow.  I think I was putting some arrows into some people but was missing a lot eventually I caught a spear in the eye and died.  But there were guys with 6 or 7 arrows in their shields and body parts.  I saw some guy use a throwing axe at a horse / rider.....he hit the horse and the thing tumbled to the ground and the rider was wiped out and trying to get up but before he could regain his footing all these dudes jumped him and he just go worked.

When you die you go into spectate mode and you can either float around, watch people in third person mode or in first person mode (when playing the game you can play in either tps and fps and switch between the modes by pressing R).


Second Match I tried the Napoleanic War DLC.  Jumped into a Seige game (attack and defend with respawns).  We were attacking....I think we must have 60 or 70 players on our team.  We all took cover behind these walls and were firing our muskets.  Seemed to be pretty uneffective - not many were dying on either side but there was lots of gunfire.  The guns are horrible innacurate and it takes like 30 seconds to reload between each shot.  But the story changed once our guys finally arrived with our cannon :) they started blasting the fort where the other team was held up and they were wrecking people and made a large hole in the wall.  With a hole in the wall we charged and as we got closer the guns became more effective - but eventually it was just a huge blood bath bayonet war.  The controls for melee combat are amazing.  You move your mouse up for a downward attack, right for a swipe from the right, left for a swipe from left and down to do a thrust, you can also press E to do a kick to kick your opponent off balance (hard to land a kick though), in addition to that you can do all those same types of moves for blocking.  There is parry/riposte system in the game as well - I believe it inolves timing an attack in the direction of an incoming attack which will cause your attack to knock the enemy weapon out of the way....but I'm not that good and it was so chaotic I didn't notice others doing it either.

I saw so much shit lol like guys up on roof tops firing crossbows and guys riding by on a horse and spearing guys on the ground....just so much crazy shit.


Only got about 2 hours of play but man the MP in this game is amazing ....and just crazy stuff.  For some reason my FRAPS is acting all stupid but I'll try and get some footage in the next couple of days if I can get it working.

Tue, 07/17/2012 - 12:28
Diptera's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 07/11/2012 - 11:48

I broke down and got the collection, I just couldn't pass on the $8 price tag. Was playing SP last night, not too shabby, and that MP sounds like a hellof a good time.

Tue, 07/17/2012 - 12:38
BlowMonkey's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
Joined: 12/04/2006 - 23:00

ahhh nice :) we'll have to do some MP.


I started the SP(Warbands)  as well and it was good from what I saw so far.  I imagine based on the questions and what not that our SP experience will be vastly different?  So far I got jumped by some theif (I punked his ass) then hired by some guy to go recruit 5 guys to help me and try and find out why these theives / bandits are so prevelant all of the sudden....while I was out scouting for some recruits I got jumped by 8 bandits.  A couple had weapons...some had rocks (fuckers!) but I was on horse so I just kept circling around and picking off any strays until I killed them all.


Hey nice castle you built on the Terraria server :D me and another guy were on last night tunneling under the house....I think we found hell!

Tue, 07/17/2012 - 13:00 (Reply to #3)
Diptera's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 07/11/2012 - 11:48

I gave the Vanilla M&B a go last night. Imediately after starting I was jumped by a group of 4 Bandits. I Killed them all and continued  on to a nearby village. After recruiting some people, I ventured into a neighboring country and started pillaging cattle from the towns. On my way back with the cattle, My band of 15 was attacked by some army deserters and we were kil;led off. I was captured eventualy escaped and fld to athird country, where I started trying to rebuild my band. A local lord hired me to collect taxes, which proved a lucritive source of money! Would have been even more so, if I just held on to all of it instead of the 1/5 I was allowed to keep as payment.


I had excess stone in my SP Terraria world, so I decided to grab it and built that fortress. Gotta farm mats for the decrative items to give it that "homey" feel! Hopeing to turn the large central chamber with the giant window into something of an alchemy garden. 


Probably best to stay out of Hell for now, I think the mobs are very strong! You'llalso have a chance of spawning the boss that when killed will permanently switch the world into hard mode. ;)

Tue, 07/17/2012 - 13:11
BlowMonkey's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
Joined: 12/04/2006 - 23:00



oh yeah that sounds bad - although to be honest we wouldn't have beat the boss lol.....I fought the eye Chtulu in my SP world the other spanked despite my elaborate setup....damn thing has 3000 HP!


Tue, 07/17/2012 - 13:20 (Reply to #5)
Diptera's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 07/11/2012 - 11:48


Ranged weaponry helps immensely against the Eye. Shurikens in particular, as they can hit it multiple times with a single throw. Best strategy I've seen is to make a large flat platform or clear some land  and just run back and fort on it while smacking the Eye with whatever raged weapons you have. He's not too hard once to get the rhythm down. So far he's the only boss I've fought, though I'm looking to down Skeletron next as I want to explore the dungeon and hopefully find a magic spell. A basic spell can be found in the dungeon,  that looks like it would be great against most things in the game.

I have plenty of mana, and nothing to use it on. Sadness...

Tue, 07/17/2012 - 13:25
BlowMonkey's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
Joined: 12/04/2006 - 23:00

yeah I had a great setup (or so I thought) was using bow / arrows / flame arrows and I built a great bridge with a plank in the middle where I could drop down to the house below where my nurse was and get healed up.  Had torches all over (because I could only summon him at night)....but despite my awesome planning lol he still wooped me.  Didn't count on him showing total disregard for my walls and coming into my nurse house and chomping on me haha

Tue, 07/17/2012 - 13:38 (Reply to #7)
Diptera's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 07/11/2012 - 11:48

BlowMonkey wrote:

yeah I had a great setup (or so I thought) was using bow / arrows / flame arrows and I built a great bridge with a plank in the middle where I could drop down to the house below where my nurse was and get healed up.  Had torches all over (because I could only summon him at night)....but despite my awesome planning lol he still wooped me.  Didn't count on him showing total disregard for my walls and coming into my nurse house and chomping on me haha


LOL That's awesome! 


No plan ever survives contact with the enemey eh? :)

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