With new consoles coming out....
Thu, 08/01/2013 - 01:00
With new consoles coming out....
I'm just curious what everyones plans arein regards to the new consoles. I am really getting back into PC gaming and enjoying it. So much so that, I plan on waiting to pick them up for about 12-18 months unless someone buys them for me.
I have pre ordered Battlefield 4 for PC. With the last Steam Sale and a bunch of cheap console games I picked up, I am set for a while now.
I have already purchased a PS4. There are a few Playstation exclusives that I am looking forward to like Infamous and Killzone. I will most likely end up skipping the Xbox One due to the fact that aside from Halo, most of the console exclusive games are also coming out for the PC.
PC + PS4
I will probably not get a next gen console at all but if I do, it will likely be an Xbone. Unless I change my mind on the next gen console, I will also be preordering BF4 for the PC.
I have the PS4 ordered ever since XBox made the Natal mandatory and charging me another $100 for it. I know it is tough changing from TV to games in 2013/14 without voice commands,but I guess I will have to rough it like the good ol' days.
Right now honestly I'm in no hurry to purchase either one. I'm going to ride my investment in PC gaming till the wheels fall off. Honestly these consoles do not show any real value until at least 2 years into their life. Then the library expands, services are finalized and hopefully build quality improves. I learned my lesson from 360/PS3 generation when it comes to early adoption. Not going to get burned again.
Yeah, I've burned through a few 360's and one PS3. And 0 PC's during that time. I think the PC's may be a little more durable :)
The new consoles have me leaning towards building a gaming pc.
one thing I keep forgetting about is the fact that you have a TV, Steam has big picture mode for them now. This may save the cost of a monitor if you still need one. I have been meaning to try this out.
I agree with MrGuster with using your television instead a monitor to save some bucks. Why let that nice home theater setup go to waste? Wireless keyboard/mouse and wireless 360 controller for windows and your good to go. Heck PC even has software out there that can make any game output 3d if your television supports it. Big plus is you don't need the most expensive card to push 1080p so you can save some dough there too. If you do buy a high end gpu then you can be sure it will max most everything settings wise, since it's not having to push high resolutions like some computer monitors.