Planetside 2
Planetside 2
So this game has launched and is free to play. Anyone give it a try yet?
I installed it on Steam, created an account and a character, but only played for maybe 10 minutes. The game doesn't exactly ease you into it or offer any sort of tutorial. Right after creating your character you are launched down onto the planet into the middle of a warzone. I was receiving enemy fire and was killed within seconds of spawning. The next time it spawned me on top of a giant tower, where again I was getting shot at as soon as I landed, so I jumped off the tower hoping if I mashed enough buttons I'd find a parachute... I didn't.
This game looks really impressive and seems like it would be a lot of fun, but it would be nice to have 1 minute to learn/change the control layout before being plopped into the middle of a 2000 man firefight. I plan to give it another chance and try to figure it out, I'll let you know how that goes.
I have it downloaded and have tried a couple of games but it has failed to grab me so far. I hear a lot of people raving about it though so I haven't removed it yet and I will give it another spin.
Downloaded today...confused as hell but its the style of game I enjoy. Needs a dedicated squad though. Absolutely zero chance for the lone wolf in this one.