Prometheus Blu Ray
Prometheus Blu Ray
Seems this may be an issue going forward on new releases.
I plop it my PS3, get the warning, then the Fox logo and then ... nothing just a blank screen. WTF says I, and reboot the PS3 and try it again, get a little farther making it to the menu but still, blank screen follows. Enabling the pop up menu does nothing.
So I go and delete all the Blu-ray data in the XMB, still nadda. At this point I'm thinking crap it's a bum disc so I try another one in the set .. same results. So I google it ... BINGO !
In order for these to work, go into the XMB and under movie playback option you should see something for Internet access, switch it from enabled to confirm and when the prompt asks you if you want to connect say NO.
Discs then booted up perfectly ... unfortunately the movie remains the same.
If the movie sucks why did you buy it?.gif)
I haven't seen it yet.
Heh, this happened with Iron Man when it was first released on Blu-Ray. The studio essentially DOSd themselves because everybody and their brother went out and bought the disc and it was pulling in something from their servers when you first launched the disc. If you had your network connection enabled you were stuck until it connected or you disabled it.
I had some gift card money and picked up Prometheus on Blu-Ray but haven't seen any of those issues with the disc. I thought the studios learned their lesson from the Iron Man release.
Guess not.
It's one heck of a pretty looking movie (story aside)
I bought the Blu Ray too. It looks great and had no problems. Wrong region?
Kinda hard to buy the wrong region Blu-ray in NA at major NA retail store. Also if it was the wrong region it wouldn't play at all.
Have the PS3 doing Wifi, which isn't an issue for online gaming maybe it is for this.
Tried it again the other day and same thing, some have suggested leaving it and let it do it's thing but there's nothing of value on Blu-live anyways.
This would be the 4 disc 3D Blu-ray version.
Well now it's working. Who the f*ck knows what going on.