Windows 8 blows

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#1 Sat, 08/04/2012 - 14:47
ImMrPete's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
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Windows 8 blows

Lately I've been having issues with my PC. BSOD's, memory errors, and general performance issues forced me to make a decision, either suffer until I rebuild or reformat and see if my issues cease. I chose to reformat. Instead of reinstalling a copy of Windows 7, I decided to install the preview of Windows 8.

Wow, that was a major mistake. 

I really, really hate it. It feels like what it is, a OS designed for touch controls. I want my Start menu back! Not to mention, when I installed AMD's drivers, my system stability took a major dump. 

If Valve gets Steam working on Linux, I'm switching over. 

Sat, 08/04/2012 - 16:01
twitchy's picture
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Biznass needs to comment on this, with his experiences. He's got a media center planned for windows 8, but I'm not sure he's liking it much.


I have heard great things from Windows fiends...

Here are my thoughts…

Our generation (25-30 and older) is holdfast on the idea that the OS requires that "start" button interface. The newer generations of kids grew up w/ "having it now, at the motion" rather than having to perform the actions or work to get to something. This rings true in the OSs that we see today. Macs have had hot corners for ages, and now windows first got a taste of it ages ago w/ 3rd party software (back to windows 98). This is something that people in today’s generation expect.

The windows 8 experience was developed with the intention for it to be a touch device OS first and desktop second, hence the removal of the start menu. Based on the metrics that Microsoft has collected over the years they've determined that windows users have stopped using the start menu to find things, and simply use the taskbar, and I've done this to a point in windows 7 myself...

I've got the programs I use most between the system tray and my taskbar that the "start" menu, simply isn't needed for me to navigate all programs. Even then I click the start menu and simply use the quick search feature, which for the most part has learned quickly the programs I use most often and as soon as I type "notepad" it automatically loads notepad++ because I've used that far more often than I have notepad.


Anyway, my point is, today users expect everything to be at the click of a button, or swipe of the finger or mouse... not to buried under menus and submenus.

With Gabe's recent sentiments voiced about Windows 8 being a catastrophe, I think perhaps he was a bit harsh and jumping the gun... but we shall see how true the sentiment rings through when it all comes to a head in October (for the end-user) ... enterprise users will actually be able to get it in a few days if I am not mistaken (if not already).

(edit to fix grammar, and typos)

Sat, 08/04/2012 - 16:17
Biznass's picture
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No, Pete has it right. It fucking sucks. I'm fine with no start button if they think it needs to go (I don't think it needs to go, or give the option at the very least). I'm cool with the hotcorners, whatever swizzle fucking dizzle sparkle bullshit it's called. I can't get with the redonkulus start screen app bulljunk. I don't like how the whole OS feels but I've pretty much dumped Windows years ago and only use it when I have to. I'll be sticking with Windows 7 for my media center. I see no need to move to 8 if you have a desktop.


Hopefully Valve comes through and drags linux gaming with it (kicking and screaming neckbeards be damned)

Mon, 08/06/2012 - 22:20
Mr402's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/15/2008 - 23:00

I have the preview on one of my laptops.   Missed the start button so I downloaded some stardock app which restored it for me.   Now it works like a champ.   No way I would use it for my gaming pc's os though.  


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