Gaming Night? Ideas Needed

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#1 Mon, 09/17/2012 - 13:11
Slater's picture
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Gaming Night? Ideas Needed

Well, we are less than a day away from BL2 dropping. Thinking ahead, do we want to try and get a dedicated game night together? Of course we will have the GamerTag so we should be able to always find other folks to play with but it might be cool to also have a dedicated night for Borderlands 2 play. I know that once upon a time Gears N' Beers on Friday nights was popular so maybe that could be a model for the BL community.

What do y'all think? What would be a theme that would make a dedicated night make sense?

One possibility is to reserve one of the character classes for this night in particular and we all run through the campaign together. So say you do not have plans to run Axton in your main playthrough. You could use Axton for the community playthrough and every Tuesday you play in the community game night with that character. That way we are all playing together on about the same level. Hopefully these would be so popular that we could have several rooms running at once and we would have enough diversity in the community that we would not have a party of 4 soldiers.

What day of the week works best? Sometimes people travel for work and only play on weekends, others go out on Fri/Sat night. So we will never get 100% consensus. But it would help to at least get an idea before we get it setup. Could have one for weekday and one for weekend as well, I mean its not like it costs anything.

Feel free to brainstorm here, then we can place a stickied thread announcing the game night focus (if any) and the day of the week.

Mon, 09/17/2012 - 13:38
Pyrus's picture
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Community stuff is a great idea - thanks for jumping in on this! The 4-player limitation cuts down on things a bit, especially when I'd bet a lot of people have several friends in mind who they're looking to roll with most nights anyway. Regardless, Thursday nights hold the community Halo night events, so it might be good to avoid those for people who play both games... or on the other hand it might be good to do BL2 community nights then, to strengthen Thursday as a site-wide community night. Just thinking out loud here.

Mon, 09/17/2012 - 13:57
Gunny's picture
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Room vs room? Like who can level up the most in say, two hour period? Post stats (honor system) here?
Mon, 09/17/2012 - 21:14
TANK's picture
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I'm down.  I normally wouldn't bother palying another toon but I'd pick a new one just for this comm night if it gets roll'in.  While it is true that a lot of people do have a group of frequentled gamed with 2o2p people on their list, this might be a good thing for jumping out of that clique and game with three people you've never gamed with before.


Another thing to keep in mind is that there should be at least one room per time zone as to accomodate everyones after work schedules.  I game a lot with easties even tho i'm a westie, and they all go to bed aroudn 7:30-8pm my time which is usually perfect because westies are usually getting on as the easties are going offline. 





Tue, 09/18/2012 - 13:25
unsub073's picture
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I'm in the central, but I tend to start gaming after 10pm ish.

Thu, 09/27/2012 - 13:42
Slater's picture
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Okay so I have had a chance to play the game and I am really digging it so far. All this time I have been thinking about how to make this game community oriented. beyond the 4 person CO-OP. At this point we have like 40 people on the AFOF tag, it would be nice to get us all playing together in some way.

So some of the ideas I have thought of (and found elsewhere) since this original post:

1. The Gamestop Slaughterdome (or whatever it is called). Teams of 4 enter and highest score/shortest time wins. Obviously you would need the leaders to have the DLC and all of the teams would need to be balanced level/badass wise. We could settle on more rules later

2. There is something called "Gear Chat Wars" that I saw mentioned on the Gearbox forum. I think what it is is a team based scavenger hunt. The different rarity items re assigned a point value and the team with the most points wins. Now I would assume that it is predetermined to specific areas and prescribed time limits. Again I would think character levels would need to be factored in somehow.

3. A good old fashioned Swap Meet. People get together and trade gear. Pretty straightforward.

4. Coordinated campiagn COOP. Everyone starts with a Lvl 1 and that character is only used for this game. Each week you would have differecnt challenges. Which team makes it farthest in cfampaign, most levels attained, credits, etc. Because these characters were only for this purpose, theoretically it would be an even playing field.



Thu, 09/27/2012 - 15:52
TANK's picture
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The scavanger hunt sounds like fun.  Whites worth 1pt, green 5, blue 10, purple 15 and orange 20.   The arena fights sound good too but are less random, you'd have to make sure level spread acorss each room is more or less the same.  Higher level people will have better gear and clear faster, so this might take a bit more coordinating.  Also down with a regular couple nights a week start at level 1 game.  I want to paly thru the game as zero.

Thu, 09/27/2012 - 16:56
LocGaw's picture
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...Boss farming...

I want more rares.

Fri, 09/28/2012 - 10:30
unsub073's picture
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I'm good with the level 1 idea.

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