Getting my retro on

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#1 Tue, 12/24/2013 - 01:15
Nightfall's picture
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Getting my retro on

Just bought, today, the Ouya.  It's a rubix cube sized console that runs Android 4, quad core 1.7GHz Tegra 3, 1Gb RAM, 8Gb of internal storage, HDMI out, and USB 2.0.  For as much bashing on this thing as there is around the internet, this is my best purchase in a long time (and I bought a shiny new Xbox One on launch day).  It can run emulators of NES, SNES, Genesis, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advanced, NeoGeo, Atari 2600, Playstation 1, Nintendo DS, and a few other esoteric older consoles.  I have a library of literally thousands of games that play on this tiny cube and I love it.  I have my external hard drive connected to it that could hold anything I could ever want to play on this thing.  You can also use a wired 360 controller if you wish because, admittedly, the Ouya controller isn't the best.  I have not gone this route, I am using the Ouya controller as I don't find it so bad it's unuseable.

Currently playing Breath of Fire 1 on SNES

Anybody else heard about this thing?  For $99 you should seriously consider it...

Tue, 12/24/2013 - 22:18
GUL74's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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This  thing looks very interesting

Tue, 12/24/2013 - 22:22
Nightfall's picture
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It's friggin' sweet!  I think all the people bashing it are trying to compare it to MS/Sony/Nintendo consoles, which it's certainly not.  It's an open source, open platform, anybody can develop a game for it, stick it to the man console that also happens to run every emulator out there - because it's open source and anyone can write anything for it.

Tue, 12/24/2013 - 22:25
Nightfall's picture
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Fri, 12/27/2013 - 11:39
GUL74's picture
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Might have to pick this up

Sun, 01/19/2014 - 02:13 (Reply to #5)
Nightfall's picture
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GUL74 wrote:

Might have to pick this up

Have you looked into it at all yet?

Word is the Ouya 2 is going to be released this year and it will either have Tegra 4 or K1.  

Huawei (Chinese manufacturer, I have their Android phone called Mercury which I have had for about 2 years now with no problems) is coming out with a similar device called Tron.  I'm sure they will call it something else in the US or Disney will go ape shit on them.

Nvidia has the Shield but it's way too expensive.

Madcatz has the MOJO, inbetween the price point of the Ouya and the Shield.

Anyone of these devices run all these emulators, Ouya is the cheapest though.

Sun, 01/19/2014 - 20:32 (Reply to #6)
GUL74's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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Nightfall wrote:

GUL74 wrote:

Might have to pick this up

Have you looked into it at all yet?

Word is the Ouya 2 is going to be released this year and it will either have Tegra 4 or K1.  

Huawei (Chinese manufacturer, I have their Android phone called Mercury which I have had for about 2 years now with no problems) is coming out with a similar device called Tron.  I'm sure they will call it something else in the US or Disney will go ape shit on them.

Nvidia has the Shield but it's way too expensive.

Madcatz has the MOJO, inbetween the price point of the Ouya and the Shield.

Anyone of these devices run all these emulators, Ouya is the cheapest though.

Right now no but somewhere down the line I will be 

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