GT5 Thursday Nights

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#1 Sat, 03/10/2012 - 09:21
Parcells2's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 01/27/2010 - 23:00
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GT5 Thursday Nights


Welcome to the unofficial 2O4F GT5 racing League (which isn’t a league)


These GT5 races are run every Thursday starting at 7:00 pm EST until we stop racing (3-5 hours).  For more details keep reading but all you need to know to join is follow sections “How to join” and “Spec Cars”.


The below link takes you to the similarly named GT5 discussion thread in the main 2O4F forums.



How to Join:


1.    Send a friend request to “Parcells2” and join my lounge any time after 7:00 EST on Thursday night. You access your own and your friend’s lounges via the Community tab of the main GT Auto screen.       



Spec Cars


1.    Each week we usually run a specific built spec car on 4-5 tracks. The link below takes you to the Google spreadsheet where we store each week’s car/tracks. Look for the correct dated sheet. We usually try to keep it on the far left – copy/paste each week. If something is not obvious about the spreadsheet please post your question in this thread.


2.    The spec car cannot be built with an oil change (Race Mod and aero packages allowed) and it must be purchased in either…

                  a.   The standard dealership (preferably not DLC)

                  b.   The on-line dealership (with sufficient notice of course)


3.    The spec car must be posted no later than 4 days before the scheduled event (That’s 7:00 on Sunday). If no spec car is assigned by the cut off time we run standard races that week (this is to give people time to build and tune/test each weeks car)


4.     Any participant can build a spec car/track. Simply fill in the spreadsheet or tell us what you want and we’ll make it happen. Its first come first serve and you can build spec cars for multiple weeks in advance.



General (nice to know) Points of interest…dynamic as Parcells sees fit – its my post Smile


  1. 1.     1.    While not running the aforementioned spec cars we race whatever we want to. Typically we run recommended cars or shuffle races.


    2.    When racing recommended cars all participants use the same tyre compound as voted by the majority (or loudest). We usually stick with the default.


    3.    We either vote for or decide what tracks to race throughout the night. Predetermined Spec races being the exception.


    4.    Spec races start at 9:00 or shortly thereafter (allow west coast participants barely enough time to hurry home and race).


    5.    You can use any driving/game assist you want. That said Parcells will force skid recovery OFF at the beginning of the night but if you’re not Man enough to handle it, let us know and we’ll allow it.


    6.   There are no points awarded or any type of awards whatsoever except the pure joy of giving your competition a solid beat down and then rubbing his face in it. The goal is fun but we all take our SIM racing semi-serious.


    7.    If you don’t have a working mic, we know from experience that you can hear us so just follow along (with car and tyre choices)




Borderline Minutia



  1. 1.       The above rules/guidelines may seem overwhelming but that’s mostly Parcells anal traits coming to the surface. It’s pretty simple stuff and always a great time. A core 7-10 of us have been doing this since Jan, 2011 and we have a riot.
  3. 2.      The best thing GT5 has over Forza is while on-line racing you can go out on the track and practice before everyone is ready to race. No waiting in the lobby for anything once the car/track has been determined which is top priority after every race.
  5. 3.      Parcells tries to schedule the races long enough to give last place on the grid a “reasonable” chance to finish first and to do it cleanly (7-12 minutes depending on the # of participants, spec races sometimes longer). With too many people obviously this isn’t very realistic so be careful.
  7. 4.     The only DLC to date that we’ve used is the Spa track. For 4-5 bucks this is almost stealing the best track in the World. June, 2012 update - all of us purchased the Motegi track pack.
  9. 5.     I’m pretty sure we only have one controller user (note the section of this info.)
  11. 6.     The rare week Parcells can’t make it I’m pretty sure the boys still race in my on-line lounge for simplicity sake. It seems the host has no more control over game settings than any of the participants do.





All the above is subject to change without notice. I will notify you via a post in this thread if changes to the above are warranted.

Thu, 03/29/2012 - 12:02
oldrustybelly55's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 07/05/2010 - 23:00

whats the car for tonight parcells

Thu, 03/29/2012 - 12:43
Parcells2's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 01/27/2010 - 23:00
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No spec car this week Sir. We're free to run whatever we want.


Now please tell me you purchased Spa in the past 7 days.

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