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#1 Mon, 12/30/2013 - 12:14
kurupt's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 09/10/2010 - 23:00


If all goes well and the wife remembers I will be picking up a ps3 250gb for $40 from one of her co-workers this week and I'll be picking up gt6 to hold me over till the release of Pcars on ps4 next yr.

so just curious if anyone has this?

i found a thread with all the ingame features included and to come.  To my surprise I was quit impressed!

in a coming update there will be a community patch to make it similar to fm4 in regards to teams, sharing, and market place also the track creator has been massively overhauled and expanded which will have an app that allows you to use gps data from real tracks and transfer it to the game to create add on tracks which is basically a bob track builder for dummies :) 

1200 cars, 100 track configs with future dlc to increase those numbers....and don't forget a bunch of 90's super tourers! 

One thing I came across which caught me off guard was they have a new suspension and tire model using rl data from Yokohama and kW springs both of which are the same companies that simbin gets there data from and simbin is owned by kW suspension......iam jumping to conclusions but how awesome would it be to see the two combine forces to do a future project?

simbin physics, kW licensing deals with multi rl race series and polyphony cash for licensing it would be a pretty well rounded game.  To be honest that fantasy is not too far fetched either.  The owner of kW has previously said there's no money in catering to the hard cores and wanted to open up to the masses and help develop future sim racers. When he bought simbin he mentioned he no longer wanted to turn this small dev team into a major developer.

 Play station was the last to have a dtm game now simbin holds it, who knows how much weight any of this holds but one can dream right :) 

Mon, 12/30/2013 - 14:56
KnightofRedemption's picture
Last seen: 7 years 4 months ago
Joined: 01/02/2012 - 00:00

Nope, and won't. I'm sure it's grand but I would lose everything I have come to enjoy, the thought of going back to single screen, loosing my dash, button box etc...Nope, I pondered it for a while but decided against it. I have plenty of racing to do and the whole unplugging and plugging in again would be a pain. Makes sense for you, you do far less online PC racing than me and are looking for easy drop in stuff. Have fun mate. blush

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