Gun questions
Fri, 09/21/2012 - 11:48
Gun questions
OK So last night I came across a Pinkish Purple gun. The purple guns are very different in color to this one. It is more of a Pink/Fucshia than a purple. Any ideas? I dont see the color listed any where. If someone posted this already I apologize
Fire, sounds like an E-Tech gun. It's one step above the purple guns and one step below orange. Fairly rare.
Per the guide, it's "Magenta"... I have a few of them now across two characters. Purple is considered Very Rare... Magenta is even more rare and also will always be Eridium or E-Tech.
Rarity reference:
Magenta (E-Tech... aka... weapons utilizing Eridium in their craftsmenship, look for Zed in Sancturary for the first quest and gun drop)
Orange (Legendary)
+ + + To Digress...
If you played the first game and downloaded General Knoxx's vault, then you know about Crawmerax, also formerly known as the "You will Die" quest. If you are not familiar, think of him as the traditional "raid" boss in a MMORPG. In the General Knoxx DLC expansion campaign, there was yet another rarity added and could only be obtained by defeating Crawmerax. It was called Pearlecient. Pearl for short. It was aqua-blue. No idea if they will appear again in future DLC for BL2, but I wouldn't doubt it.
In BL2, Terraphormous is the new Cramerax. He also may just be the first of possibly other future Raid beasts. Per the guide though you need 4 Eridium to just enter his cave. If you don't have a party of 4, specifically designed and leveled to work together, you will die to party wipe. In fact, the mission he gives in tribute to BL1 is "You will Die, Seriously!". Terramorphous will put Crawmerax to shame, and he has numerous forms of attack. He has a chance to drop several Legendary grade items, and some of which, are types that ONLY he can drop. After killing him, if you are lucky enough, there is a vault behind him containing several other chests which each have a chance of "epic / legendary" drops again. The guide seems to indicate that most teams will wipe trying to fight this thing.
One only imagines what it will be like on playthrough 2... or playthrough 2.5 (when everything becomes lev 50 adjusted!)
They started a play-through at the Community Day of the "You Will Die, Seriously." quest. They had 4 high lvl characters (all of them 50+ I think) and went in fighting... and died, and died, and died, and died..... and so on.
I think I watched them play against Terramorphous for about 20 minutes or so, and when I left for another area, they had knocked maybe 10% of his health off. It's going to be one seriously hard nut to crack.
You were spectating in-game?
No, they were playing it at the Gearbox Community Day on a big screen and I was out in the audience watching.
LOL, Soup Said Crack
If you want a really good SMG, go give Moxxie 25k in the tip jar.
She has 2 I found so far.. 1 corrosive and 1 fire. I went back and tried again several levels later and she gave me the same weapons, just updated for current level.
Her SMG is awesome! I"ve got the acid one so far, she hasn't given me her fire one yet.
You get the acid one at 15k. Keep on dropping tips and you'll get her favorite gun. But it is scaled to your level so I recommend waiting til you're having trouble finding anything good and buying it then.
I picked up an Orange SMG on Saturday that just dropped from a random Baddie......Hell yea!
I haven't been able to find crap!
i've found a few purples but.... they were actually pretty shitty. they were a couple of Maliwan Fire element pistols. the Green fire pistol i found earlier on had much better stats. whats up with that????
color represents rarity and not always a good indication of stats.
Moxxi's Good touch and Bad touch make a great [ahem!] pair.
I've got the Fire and Acid versions now, rolled all night with the fire gun thru costic caverns and tore up those spider ants and whatever those worm things from Tremors are. When they stop being so effective, i'll have to try and give Moxxy somemore $ and see if i get better versions.
Anyone know if she has 3 rd gun? I tipped her some more and she says generosity like that should be rewarded but she never gave me anything.