Hammerlock DLC reivew (an impressions)

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#1 Tue, 01/15/2013 - 12:17
TANK's picture
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Hammerlock DLC reivew (an impressions)

IGN gives it a 6.9 (they had given the first two DLC's 9's).   So this one seems half assed.



Wed, 01/16/2013 - 10:29
TANK's picture
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Rolled through the main story last night, took about 3 hours.  The loot was very disappointing, i think I saw two purples the entire time and neither of them were decent, they were more like level 50 gear rolled with level 30 stats.  To me it's pretty stupid to have a loot based game be so damn stingey with the loot, loot stingyness makes me loose interest fast.

There are a few new enemies to fight and a few recycled enemies with different names/stats or abilities.  Like those creatures in the wildlife preserve that go invis , they're in here but named something different with different powers but no invis.  Skags are here as well as Bullymongs.   There are some new creatures though, some scorpion looking things, flying spores and tall spiders that remind me of the desert walker things from Borderlands 1. 

The witchdoctor is an interesting new add along with his tribal buddies, but really the only one you need to fight different is the witch doctor.  He acts like a mass healer and has elemental damage powers and a tornado attack.  If you come across a pack of 3 of them, it's going to be a challenging fight.  IT's kind of difficult to critical hit them too because of their mask and they're bullet sponges too.

The story itself is not very deep or very long and with how shitty the loot is, the biggest payoff for even doing this DLC is the 40 point achievement for finishing it.

There is a 27 E receptical that I didn't mess with so i'm not sure what that is.  ALso near the end of the DLC , i saw the cage for the raid boss but hadn't finished yet so couldn't open the gate.  I'll have to go back and see what these two things are.


Overall this DLC is just kind of 'meh' .

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 12:00
LocGaw's picture
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Since we had multiple toons with capped E we decided to go to all the "E-furnaces" to see what would happen if we filled them. So far, nothing...

Without the level cap increase, there does not seem like there is much to do here.


The Witch doctors should be the number one priority. They will level up the minions.

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 13:05
TANK's picture
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I guess there are a few new items to find in this DLC, including the BL1 Elephant gun with 40k damage, a revolver that does 30k x2 dmg per shot and a relic that amps damage and has helath regen among others.  I didn't find any of this stuff though.


Complete list here



Wed, 01/16/2013 - 13:57 (Reply to #4)
EVILCLAW's picture
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TANK wrote:

I guess there are a few new items to find in this DLC, including the BL1 Elephant gun with 40k damage, a revolver that does 30k x2 dmg per shot and a relic that amps damage and has helath regen among others.  I didn't find any of this stuff though.


Complete list here




I got the revolver in my solo play through before I joined you Tank. Its a pretty slow firing pistol. You get when you kill that 1st creature in the storyline where I showed you the 27E furnace.

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 15:47
TANK's picture
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Speaking of the EFurnace, i guess there are 4 of them and when you activate all four, a raid boss appears.  Since you can only have 99E it pretty much requires mutli-player to spawn him.

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 17:10
Gatsu's picture
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Hopefully nothing too powerful in this DLC....otherwise Gearbox will have to nerf it in order to maintain balance in a game where you're supposed to be an ultimate badass and find amazing loot thats supposed to make you tingle and then knock monster dick in the dirt.

Yeah I'm not too happy with Gearbox right now. They took something great and then fucked it all up.

Here....buy our game with amazing loot. But prepare to spend 100+ hours trying to find that good loot.....REPLAY VALUE HOOOOO!

Here.....be a badass, level up to the cap and be awesome! But don't use too many awesome weapons or we'll nerf them to keep it "balanced".

I'm sorry...fuck balance. My character is a duel-wielding mexican midget that can punch a 800 lb. beast 100 feet away from me. Balance is out the fuckin window here. When I pull those triggers...shit's supposed to die.

Also...GIVE ME MORE DAMN INVENTORY SLOTS! I collect shit. I'm a pack rat. So whatever I've gotta spend to get them, Torque Tokens, Nipple Clamps, Eridium, Bottles of Midget Farts....I don't care. Give me more space to store shit.


Ugh....sorry. Rant over.

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 17:41
TANK's picture
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Ya idid that article a while ago on post-game updates, seems like more and more the updates make the games shittier these days rather than better.  I think the launch version of many games these days is superior to the product we get after they're done 'patching' it.   Look at Gears 3, my favorit version of that was the Beta.

Thu, 01/17/2013 - 09:39
EVILCLAW's picture
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Tank and I fed the furnaces the eridium and spawned the raid boss. It started out with witch doctors and elite minions. They lasted a couple of waves up to level 54 and they were kiciking our asses at that point, couldn't kill them fast enough. Bowlringer joined us and that gave a 3rd person to rely on revives. Moments later the GIant spider spawned and it took us 30 minutes to kill that, in all about an hour spent on this and at the end with loot everywhere, nothing of real value. :( Everything was less than what I already have, which makes this DLC a one play through for me.

Thu, 01/17/2013 - 10:06
TANK's picture
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Hey now, you got that purple 72k damage bouncing singularity acid grenade!   That alone was worth the million dollars and 90 or whatever E and an hour of time to obtain!  O_o

It was definitly an exercise in tedium.   Running around finding and fighting to all the furnaces, then killing the waves of Witch Docter and friends.  When it spawned 5 super bad ass WD's that keep healing each other you're pretty fucked.  THEN the raid boss spawns that can only be damaged by shooting it's pimples and if you're not host the health bar doesn't ever go down. The time and money spent fighting these things aren't worth the pay off.



Thu, 01/17/2013 - 10:25 (Reply to #10)
EVILCLAW's picture
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TANK wrote:

Hey now, you got that purple 72k damage bouncing singularity acid grenade!   That alone was worth the million dollars and 90 or whatever E and an hour of time to obtain!  O_o

It was definitly an exercise in tedium.   Running around finding and fighting to all the furnaces, then killing the waves of Witch Docter and friends.  When it spawned 5 super bad ass WD's that keep healing each other you're pretty fucked.  THEN the raid boss spawns that can only be damaged by shooting it's pimples and if you're not host the health bar doesn't ever go down. The time and money spent fighting these things aren't worth the pay off.


Well you got me there, but in my defense, I looked at that and said pfftt I don't know how many times then compared it to one I already had that was purple and the new one was marginally better by about 1000 dmg and 1000 acid dmg. So really, I could have left it and it wouldn't have bothered me. I fought for an hour for that?

Thu, 01/17/2013 - 13:28
TANK's picture
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The other raid boss is another huge animal with a Chief dude fighting along side it.  The chief has shields and health, the creature only has health except the chief will give the creature shields ever so often.  On TVHM i've also seen midget guys spawn as well which I didn't see in the normal mode video i swatched.


Anyway hammerlock will give you this mission once you finish the dlc campaign, just need to go pick up the mission and head over there.

Sat, 01/19/2013 - 16:47
Gatsu's picture
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i fought that boss by myself with little problem. voracidous the invincible. far from it. he did drop a legendary class mod for an assassin. but ultimately not worth it. costs 9 eridium to fight him as well.

Mon, 01/21/2013 - 17:30 (Reply to #13)
TANK's picture
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Gatsu wrote:

i fought that boss by myself with little problem. voracidous the invincible. far from it. he did drop a legendary class mod for an assassin. but ultimately not worth it. costs 9 eridium to fight him as well.


Ya they said they were putting stuff in this DLC that required E to do to bridge the gap until the level cap DLC comes out which will give you more ammo/pack/bank upgrades to buy for E.



Wed, 01/23/2013 - 05:56
wilderz's picture
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I'm hoping the level cap will come soon.  Even with having to grind to get some good gear, and some of the tedium in the game, I still enjoy playing it and rolling with a party.  There is no other game that came out in 2012 that I've played that has held my interest for this long.

Thu, 01/24/2013 - 10:40
TANK's picture
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Right now i'm reading that the level cap will come AFTER dlc #4.  Hopefully not but thats what i'm hearing.

Thu, 01/24/2013 - 13:20
LocGaw's picture
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That is a shame.

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