Happy Wars

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#1 Wed, 09/12/2012 - 19:02
MrBill313's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
Joined: 04/18/2007 - 23:00

Happy Wars

I've been playing this like mad. Has anyone in the dashboard beta played it?  I am really looking foreward to this fun FREE game.



Thu, 09/13/2012 - 22:59
SquatterBag's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
Joined: 01/26/2011 - 23:00
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I was able to play one game then it froze up on me a few times, even in the menus. So, it got the ol' rage quit. I know it's in beta but still annoying. For the type of game it is I'm probly just gunna stick with TF2 for dedicated playing time but I'm not apposed to revisiting it.

Sat, 09/15/2012 - 13:00
InfernalGiggler's picture
Last seen: 7 years 5 months ago
Joined: 12/06/2007 - 23:00

I will have to try it out

Sat, 09/15/2012 - 13:16
MTPathy's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
Joined: 11/22/2008 - 23:00

ive seen videos of gameplay, and it looked entertaining. im not in the beta but when it comes out ill level a character for awhile and see what the game has to offer. i'm thinking the game would be much more entertaining running around causing chaos with friends instead of lone-wolfing it.

Mon, 09/17/2012 - 05:32
KamakazeTaco's picture
Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
Joined: 01/30/2009 - 23:00

After playing this game for quite a bit, it needs a LOT of work. Someone shouldn't be able to run around the enemy castle forever. Even if you hit them, all that does is slow you down and let them get farther ahead. If that person is a cleric that can buy them enough time to cast sacred armor or heal again and just keep going. Which means either you have to devote 2-3 or more of your team to dealing with 1 person, meaning that's a chunk of people not able to defend a tower and giving the enemy team a big advantage, or it's you and him running in circles around the castle for 15 minutes, and how is that fun? You can't just leave the person because then they build a ladder and destroy your tower. If you get hit it should slow you down for a few seconds. This way you're forced to fight the person then people can't just run off solo, but the people that travel in groups still get an advantage. And with the lag as bad as it is, it's perfectly possible to be wailing on a cleric and have him just heal himself anyway.

The warning about your castle being approached or under attack also needs to actually work every time. Some of the maps are huge, you can't always see that lone cleric and his buddy sneaking around the side to your castle. It takes them hardly any time at all to build a ladder and start attacking your tower. If 2 people happen to have the gold construction hammer they can take down the big tower in maybe 10 seconds. You know how long it usually takes to respawn? About 10 seconds. And, as I mentioned, since one person can just run though the enemy ranks without being stopped it can be a major pain in the ass to try and deal with just one or two people who do nothing but run though.

The randomly assigned skills is pretty freaking stupid as well. Being able to revive your teammates and make them invincible as a cleric is a HUGE advantage, but you don't always get those. So instead you wind up with one team having maybe 3 clerics just running around and making their team invincible and your team has nothing like that, makes it a lot easier for the invincible team to take over a tower. I think it should be a choice. For example, at level 2 clerics should get to choose between the wall and dispell. Level 3 they can choose between dash and the healing circle. Level 4 they pick what team skill they want then at level 5 they choose between revive and sacred armor. This way you're not forced into only getting the crappy skills and having a useless cleric, but you also can't get all the best skills and be completely over powered either. 

Or you get the warrior with that one skill that lets them lunge forward with their sword and dash towards your castle. Unless you get that skill too, there's no way to catch them so all you can do is either let them go to your castle or kill yourself and spawn back there. And if you do spawn at your castle all they'll do is continue to dash in circles around the castle just to piss you off until you get bored and leave them. You can always tell your buddies to spawn at the castle and help you, but then you're pulling more people away from the front lines and that's a good way to lose your towers and have the rest of the enemy at your gate.

Of course, this is all when the game actually works. Most of the time everything is SO laggy you can't do anything anyway. You can hit a mage standing still 5 times and they take no damage at all then suddenly fall over deal 10 seconds later, giving them plenty of time to kill you while they're laggy invincible. Games have also gotten so laggy that you can't build or destroy anything anymore. Happened on one game where the other team had 4 towers and we only had 3 but since it was impossible to destroy their towers and they couldn't destroy our castle it was 10 minutes of knowing we were going to lose and being unable to do anything about it. But these things only happen when you can actually get in a game. Having to sit in the lobby for 5-10 minutes just waiting to connect is way too much.

I will say though that the co-op mode is the best part of the game. You get all the loot and points of the normal multiplayer but none of the laggy bullshit. Of course, the bots are fairly retarded so it's more or less a cake walk most of the time unless you're paired up against the bots that spam lightning magic. Then it's just a long, drawn out cake walk.

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