Hearthfire: Skyrim DLC
Sat, 09/08/2012 - 22:41
Hearthfire: Skyrim DLC
I just finished my review for the Hearthfire DLC. Has anyone else played this? What do you think of the new content, building your own house, and raising a family in the middle of a dragon and vampire infested wasteland? My mind is made up and my opinion of the new DLC will be posted to the home page soon, I was just wondering what you guys thought about it...
I like it so far. I do wish you could customize the look of your house a little more. Besides that, i think it is fun. Gives me a break point between running around completing side quests.
Here's my review from the home page. http://www.2old2play.com/news/game-reviews/whiterun-times-hearthfire-special-edition-0
Agree? Disagree?