How is it?

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#1 Tue, 03/06/2012 - 10:07
LadyisRed's picture
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How is it?

I dont have my copy yet. I assume some of you have been playing for at least 12 hours now ;)  What do you think. 

Tue, 03/06/2012 - 11:07
Barheet's picture
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Obviously, they are too busy playing to check the forums. Can't say I blame them. smiley

Tue, 03/06/2012 - 11:18 (Reply to #2)
Leviticus78's picture
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Barheet wrote:

Obviously, they are too busy playing to check the forums. Can't say I blame them. smiley


I would be in that group if I didn't savor my overtime. 


From the hour that I played last night I am really liking it. The story really ivokes that "must get revenge on the reapers" attitude, which I like. The guns sound and feel much better than 2. Haven't got to a part in the story yet where I can try out the KOA unlocked weapons yet.


Haven't had a chance to try out the unrestricted MP yet. The demo was fun so (once you get a team of 4) i imagine it will be good.

Tue, 03/06/2012 - 11:26 (Reply to #3)
LadyisRed's picture
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Barheet wrote:

Obviously, they are too busy playing to check the forums. Can't say I blame them. smiley

I figured some of them had to work today. I SO wish I was playing now. I bet my copy doesnt come till 4. (you know, when the kids get home from school and I lose every moment of free time) Grrrr

Tue, 03/06/2012 - 11:13
KamakazeTaco's picture
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I'm having a lot more fun than I did with ME2. Getting to choose your own loadout and modify weapons is nice, beats the pants off having to run the same weapon combo every time. It works in the story just like it does for the multiplayer. You can pick whatever weapons you like, but the heavier weapons will kill the cool down of your powers. If you got the Gamestop pre-order code, I would strongly recommend trying to sell it on ebay or something instead of using it. That N7 rifle has the same stats as the Vindacator rifle, but it just weighs twice as much and the armor stinks. The chacram launcher from the KoA demo is pretty sweet though, it fires little explosive discs you can charge up.


I've been mostly absorbed in the MP, played quite a bit last night with some folks. I was hoping there would be more than just 6 maps, but I'm sure they're saving that for DLC. The new Spectre pack they added for 60k credits is great. You get a guarenteed rare item. And now you can buy the packs for microsoft points. 80 for the veteran pack, and 160 for spectre. I can't see myself doing that, but if you've got left over points from something else it might not be too bad. 


After fighting Cerberus in the demo so much I was glad to get to fight the other enemies, geth and the reapers. They've all got similar categories of enemies, weaker soldiers and improved units like the centurion and such. Cerberus seems to be a fair mix of all their guys. Geth throw a lot of the middle group with armor or shields at you, but their big guy doesn't show up as often. Reapers get 2 of the big guys, the brute and banshee and they're not afraid to use em. Still, none of em are quite as vexing as that damn phantom.


Biggest issue I've found is if you've imported your Shepard from ME1 into ME2 and into ME3, ME3 has trouble importing the face you've been using so you'll have to build that from scratch. Which kinda sucks, cause I liked all the scarring I got from my renegade playthrough and I didn't get to keep that. Your imported character starts off at whatever level you finished ME2 at. Going in at level 30 is nice. It gives you points already into your powers  (provided you didn't change your class) based on what you had before as well as giving you more points to spend.

Tue, 03/06/2012 - 11:23 (Reply to #5)
Leviticus78's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

It gives you points already into your powers  (provided you didn't change your class) based on what you had before as well as giving you more points to spend.


I changed my class for 3 and it still give me enough points to put my character over the halfway mark  to maxing out.

Tue, 03/06/2012 - 11:25
EVILCLAW's picture
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Just picked it up at lunch, will be on tonight. See you guys then.
Tue, 03/06/2012 - 18:11
JimSmyth's picture
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I think the game has taken a step back with the way it orginizes tasks and missions. The system in ME1 was actually better than the one in ME3. Missions do not appear on your galaxy map unless you scroll over a system. Just be prepared to spend a lot of time searching and stuff. Some of the powers are buffed and some are nerfed. The combat and the way it controls feels different to me. So far I think 2 is better than 3.

Wed, 03/07/2012 - 07:40
Barheet's picture
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Anyone else switching discs every mision? I've swapped discs like 4 or 5 times now. Really annoying, especially considering how hard it is to get the discs out of the metal case. (CE)

Wed, 03/07/2012 - 08:11 (Reply to #9)
EVILCLAW's picture
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Haven't tried the SP yet, went right into MP (which is what I was afraid I might do) and its a blast. Its tougher, it seems, than the demo. Its like they spawn differently with tougher foes, earlier. Also the SPectre pack is something we didn't see in the demo. Its an upgrade to the veteran pack. I got my B3 soldier but haven't used him yet, Snowbunny was all over it though. Sorry, for spamming some of you guys with invites last night, just trying to fill up the room with 2o2p guys rather than randoms. Didn't know that the 2 disc system was going to be that much of a PITA for the SP. ME2 at least went halfway or more through the campaign before you switched to disc 2. If I constantly have to get up and change the disc out for every other mission,I might....lose some weight. Well, that and be annoyed.
Wed, 03/07/2012 - 10:59 (Reply to #10)
Leviticus78's picture
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Haven't tried the SP yet, went right into MP (which is what I was afraid I might do) and its a blast. Its tougher, it seems, than the demo. Its like they spawn differently with tougher foes, earlier. Also the SPectre pack is something we didn't see in the demo. Its an upgrade to the veteran pack. I got my B3 soldier but haven't used him yet, Snowbunny was all over it though. Sorry, for spamming some of you guys with invites last night, just trying to fill up the room with 2o2p guys rather than randoms.


Don't feel like you're wasting any time doing MP, you have to play MP to help the other factions so as to strengthen your army for the final battle against the Reapers.


Feel free to spam me with invites this weekend. My army needs some strengthening.


Wed, 03/07/2012 - 08:41
Cerberus4417's picture
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Currently Playing: 

I have about 4-5 hours in SP.  


I am really enjoying it.  It does feel different then both its predecessors but I was hoping for that.  I love ME1 and I am not a huge fan of ME2.  



The story is really good so far.  I am really getting pulled into the game.  There is tons of dialog going on and lots of opportunity to discuss issues with everyone. I really enjoy the conversations with your squad seem more fluid while you are walking around.  They always talking to you and between themselves.  I also enjoy they fact they are pulling your past decisions into these moments when you are not in actual conversations.  We were walking around and the one squad member brought up what i did at the end of ME2.  I was like "I didn't even trigger that", they just start brining up issues like that.  It really make the game more personal and feel like your game.  So far, again im only 5 hours in, I feel there has been more actually story then there was in ME2.  It doesn't seem as "open" and ME1 and ME2 was so far.  the story has been pretty linear and I have not had the ability to explore the galaxy really" 



I don't think the Graphics look "Better" as in a huge upgrade to graphics.  The game layout are just so much move detailed.  once you get on the Normandy, i must have walked around for at least a half hour just checking things out.  And just in the Normandy seems so different.  All the areas have more details in design.  At the moment i only have access to 3 areas at the citadel, but those areas are really interesting in detail.  Doesn't have to do with graphics, but there are tons of conversations going on that you can get missions on just listening. So take your time wondering around. 



This seems the same as ME2 with a little boost to speed.  To me the combat is a lot faster.  I'm playing on Hardcore and it is fun but challenging.  The AI will flank and will use a nades to get you out of cover.  This means you can't sit back with a sniper and pick them off, you have to keep moving around.  The roll function helps a lot.  I am playing as an adept and I find my biotics are so much more useful in this then in ME2.  You do need to combine your attacks.  So someone throws a singularity and i then hit them with a warp to cause an explosion.  


General Game Stuff: 

The new Galaxy At War stuff is still a little confusing to me.  I get the premises but I don't see how everything all comes together yet.  I played some mp and I was able to add some "Galaxy Readiness" but we will see how it plays out.  


The new searching/ mining is interesting.  So you search on the galaxy map on a system level.  So the Normandy drops a pulse or sonar like wave out that tells you if there is something on interest in the area.  The twist is that if that system is under Reaper attack, that pulse will attack the Reapers so you can only do it so many times before they show up and you have to flee.  you can come back later and search again.  So far I have found fuel, credits, and a couple units for you Readiness.  


Skills and weapons mods are awesome.  I love loot and leveling my character so it is fun to have this back, plus being able to do so for your squad.  If you import your ME2 character you start at their level in ME2.  So i was level 30 in ME2, I start at level 30 in Me3.  The store on the Normandy is really cool in leveling up your weapons.  



So far I have seen a couple little items.  Stuff like my shockwave will not hit enemies (husks mainly) but they are right in the path.  Characters pop up onto crates here and there, but they are not actual climbing them.  


My biggest pain point is the disc switching. I have access to like 5 systems right now and I have had to switch the disc 3-4 times already.  Really annoying.  I don't understand why you would need to switch disc's if you install the whole game like i did.  Require disc one only in the console and then you should be fine.  I would have thought they would have doen that after the feedback form ME2.  





Wed, 03/07/2012 - 09:01 (Reply to #12)
deSoldier2001's picture
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Good info, looking forward to story playthrough.

Wed, 03/07/2012 - 09:10
MTK005's picture
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Not sure if we have a workable spoiler tag, so I'll try not to kill anything for anyone


I'm about 3 hours in, just left the Citadel but haven't done any of the free-flying missions yet, just the first two.


I felt like there was certainly less to do on the Citadel - it was on rails a bit, but that might have been the game getting the story moving before allowing exploration.  Kept having to remind myself that they had to rebuild the Presidium and thats why it looked different than ME1


Not sure how I feel about the revamped Normandy.  Captains Cabin is the same, but the CIC deck was weird with the new comm stuff and the door to what was Jacob's armory closed off. Haven't made it below that deck yet - as I said, I just left the Citadel, and it was after midnight, and I had to work...


My major annoyance so far was my message terminal.  In ME2 the "read" messages went into another folder.  In ME3, they stay in your inbox, and there is this pulsating thing at the bottom that makes me think I can scroll down more when I can't.


I haven't had to eject disc 1 yet, but it it possible that i's just the order you're choosing to do the missions?

Wed, 03/07/2012 - 10:24
Barheet's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 weeks ago
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Yeah apparently side quests are on disc 2 and the main quest and MP is on disc 1. I didn't realize that a trip to the biotic school would be a side quest. Are they trying to hurry us through the main quest? I don't get it. I never just go BAM BAM BAM through the main story line. Whatever, it's not a big deal, but it is slightly annoying. Positives: Love the upgrades and mods to weapons Story is great so far (but totally deux ex machina) Bioware lied about that. Biotics are great - glad they brought back some of the old powers like Sabotage. The entire game feels more intimate - fewer squad mates, more emotional stuff, etc. I really like the new Citadel. There's a ton of stuff to see and a lot more shops. There's even a gift shop at the hospital. Negatives: Disc swapping for side quests Shockwave is hit or miss - so much so that I did a respec on my Vanguard to use Nova instead. At one point during a conversation, Shepard turned his head almost backward and continued talking as if nothing had happened. Weird. Seems too easy. Think I will play out the rest on Hardcore, although I did get ripped up by a turret at one point. Hate those things.
Wed, 03/07/2012 - 10:31
JimSmyth's picture
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Now that I have gotten used to the game mechanics I am really loving this experience. The story is darker and emotional. I am glad I kept my peeps alive through the sucide mission. 

Wed, 03/07/2012 - 10:41
PoltegIce's picture
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I thought it was great when I got to the citadel and a keeper came walking along! I haven't moved further along in the story but I am hoping there are alot of npc's just wandering. Makes the immersion easier. So Far been enjoying it. Been running a soldier class, and its not bad. When I finally get area of effect on my ammo powers things are gonna really get interesting. I know fire is good for armor... but what else? Warp hurts armor? Am I right? Who knows but overall impressed by the soldier on insane difficulty. Its not a class I usually play.

Wed, 03/07/2012 - 12:57
MTK005's picture
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I hit up the Hospital store, but I was locked just to the embassy and hospital.  I guess there is more at the hospital later, too - all I was able to do was [not to spoil] speak to the two doctors and the patient.


From checking out some of the wiki site entries, there is more I can see later in the story.

Wed, 03/07/2012 - 14:57
Jett_Fuel's picture
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I ran into the problem of not being able to save my character's face.  Oh well...maybe in a future update they will fix this issue.

Thu, 03/08/2012 - 05:31
PoltegIce's picture
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One thing I have been noticing is the amazing... level design? Not sure if thats the right description. If you remeber in Me1 especially and Me2 the areas all felt linear. You were very aware you were boxed in or being kept on certain path. This one is still like that, but they have built the world around you soooo well you don't feel that way at all. You look out across the citadel sectors and it looks like an actual place pople could live, call home and be happy in. That door may be locked but it feels that it does indeed open and people/creatures come in and out from time to time. You look in the distance and see places you believe you could visit. I am impressed. Somebody deserves a raise at bioware!

Sun, 05/19/2013 - 15:17
JimSmyth's picture
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It is a lot of fun. I give it a 10/10. 1

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