How to start a Community questions

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#1 Tue, 08/21/2012 - 09:11
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How to start a Community questions

Not sure if this is the right place to post this or not but I figured I needed to start somewhere. I am interested in starting a communtiy group in my area. I think it would be cool to make some connections locally to tie into my online play in addition to the existing friends I have made online through this site. I thought it would be best to do this through the local video game store and in some way tie it into the 2old2play community as well. My questions are, has someone done this before and do they have any tips to point me in the right direction? Does 2old2play have any fliers I could post at the store or around town?  I'm not very good at graphics and stuff so if there is something already there then I would like to just use that. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! Do the owners of the 2old2play site have any plans on growing their userbase in this way?

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