idea for new series

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#1 Fri, 09/27/2013 - 03:49
jdankert's picture
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idea for new series



I am not a tuner, not a hoster nor a organizer, but I think it would be fun, if someone will adapt the following to 2O4F.

Someone interested?


Fri, 09/27/2013 - 14:40
DRCxDRIVEBYEx71's picture
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I like the idea but I rarely make the euro races... I have the R8 LM in a R3 class. I could provide a build and tune if needed...
Sat, 09/28/2013 - 04:43
jdankert's picture
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Thank you, I would like to have your tune for testing. If enough people would join we can make American and Euro Series. Same as in Global Icon. And for a great finale: The best 8 american and the best 8 euro guys in one race against each other???

Sun, 09/29/2013 - 12:07
DRCxDRIVEBYEx71's picture
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I'll send it over JD. I need to send you a friend request as well. I get it out later.
Tue, 10/01/2013 - 08:36
DRCxDRIVEBYEx71's picture
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Car sent.
Tue, 10/01/2013 - 12:24
jdankert's picture
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Mon, 10/14/2013 - 12:22
General E Dead 2's picture
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How "realistic" would you want the series to be? I can do some room set up and so on based on what you might want

Mon, 10/14/2013 - 12:24
General E Dead 2's picture
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I think to level the playing field it would need to be a set build and the gear ratios/final drive and aero settings would need to be locked, in order to ensure some form of parity between cars?

Mon, 10/14/2013 - 13:01
jdankert's picture
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Hey General,

yes you are right. If the cars are mostly equal the drivers are the decisive factor for winning and loosing. Realistic racing? Well, you know that I am a hardcore fan. I like the sim damage, I like using drag tyres and I don't like any assists, but........ I am a lonesome rider with that, right?

Wed, 10/16/2013 - 12:03
skiwinv's picture
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Not wanting to ruin Jdan's intent but how about this as a variation?

I like Full Sim damage as well but know we don't use that in most series because one bad accident can ruin things for one or more drivers.

Run the races with Full Sim damage for 3-4 laps max.  Try and keep race length to 5 mins or so and they all sprint events.  If you get wrecked it's only a 5 min wait before you become competitive again;  utilise the -5%, -10% hdcp to slow the faster guys down slightly and run say 5-6 sprints each night.

That should encourage clean racing because sim damage is on, no cautions, but if you screw up, it's the 5 mins before you are back in full action again.

My 2c worth smiley

Wed, 10/16/2013 - 12:15
Parcells2's picture
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Being a proponent of SIM damage (Parcells feels it REQUIRES people to drive with a bit more caution which is good) I like your idea Skiwi BUT I do not think 5 minutes is a long enough race. IMO race length should be long enough to allow the people starting at the back of the grid enough time to win the race (if that's a realistic option for that person) but to do it cleanly and 5 minutes usually isn't enough time. 10-15 minute sprints is usually enough.

Peace out!

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