Interested in the Last Wish raid?

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#1 Mon, 10/01/2018 - 06:21
hemihuman's picture
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Interested in the Last Wish raid?

It might take a while to get organized, but if you are interested in trying the Last Wish raid on some Friday or Saturday night, please let me know by responding below.

Mon, 10/01/2018 - 06:41
OldnAchy's picture
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Sure, when I can level up enough.

Mon, 10/01/2018 - 06:54
DarthTabasco's picture
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Not too many of us seem to still be playing, but I'll be interested. I know I won't be ready to even try the first encounter until I'm at least 560. I just made it to 540 this weekend, so it's going to be a while.

Mon, 10/01/2018 - 08:21
BCyclops's picture
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I am interested in the Last Wish raid. I'm at 544 now, so I'll need to level up for a couple more weeks at least. The first encounter with Kalli seems quite do-able. I actually saw a youtube video yesterday where Gladd (from team Redeem) did it solo. I mean if one person can complete it alone then we should be able to do it.

The second encounter looks a little more difficult, but I think I have a good grasp of how to do that one. I still don't really understand how to do the 3rd encounter, though.

BTW, I managed to get the IKELOS shotgun over the weekend. I just went to Mars and found a group that was farming EP. It took about 6 boss kills for me to get the Shotgun. I figure that a lot of people are farming that now since it is Shotgun Week in EP. After the weekly reset, it won't be available again for a while. Next week is SMG and then Sniper the week after that. Last Monday I got the Sniper while farming for the Shotgun. I tried out the Sniper, but it's not that good. I don't have the SMG yet.

Mon, 10/01/2018 - 09:32
hemihuman's picture
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I'm assuming that we'd start out just trying to tackle the first encounter. I think 540 power should be good enough for that, from what I've heard.

I'd like to second what BCyclops says about the EP shotgun. I got mine on my second completion. If you haven't tried Escalation Protocol since the expansion boosted our power levels, you are in for a pleasant surprise. Give it a try before reset tomorrow if you have a chance!

Thu, 10/04/2018 - 09:22
BCyclops's picture
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Kalli guide from polygon:


You can take down Kalli with basically any fireteam. However, there are certainly classes that will give your team big bonuses:

  • An Orpheus Rig Hunter can be useful for clearing middle adds, although this is occasionally more trouble than it’s worth. Any Gunslinger class is great if Orpheus Rig isn’t working out.
  • A Well of Radiance Warlock can add a lot to the DPS phase and keep players safe, which is very helpful.
  • A Code of the Commander Sentinel Titan can provide similar benefits to the Warlock.

As far as weapons, play a primary that has medium to long range. A pulse rifle or auto rifle is perfectly fine.

To deal with the Knight, your secondary weapon should be a shotgun if you’re around 545 power or above. Under that, you may want to run a sniper rifle, as getting close to your Knight will be serious trouble.

Your power weapon should be Whisper of the Worm or Sleeper Simulant if you can swing it. While Kalli’s head does a lot of moving, these weapons will do far more damage than any other. If you’re struggling to hit her critical spot regularly, we recommend that you get a grenade launcher or a rocket with cluster bombs instead.


Before the fight with Kalli starts, you’ll see nine plates with symbols around the room. Kalli will be immune in the middle of the room, and there will be three symbol trees around her. Each of these trees has the same two symbols attached to it. Divide your team into three groups of two, and assign a pair to a tree.

All six symbols that hang from the tree need to have their plates cleansed. Cleansing a plate that doesn’t have a symbol will spawn a powerful Ogre in the middle of the room. Scatter around the room and go to your assigned symbol. Standing on the plate will begin the encounter.

The plates are divided into three sections. The sections will rotate over the course of the encounter, with Taken blights sitting on two sections at a time. If you’re standing in a Taken section, you’ll be killed. Stay in the one safe section of the plate while killing Taken Thrall. Eventually, you’ll spawn a Taken Knight. Killing the Taken Knight will cleanse your plate.

Kalli will occasionally teleport to someone’s plate and start messing with them by flinging them into the air and throwing them across the room. Step off your plate or to the side to protect yourself. You can also deal enough damage to Kalli with a grenade or headshots to make her go away.

Once all six Taken Knights have been killed, the damage phase can begin.


Kalli will spawn into the middle of the room and start “summoning an ontological weapon.” When this text appears, the damage phase has officially begun. Stand in the middle of the pit and fire up at Kalli with your power weapons. Now is a great time to use a Well of Radiance.

After a short time, Kalli will begin to use her weapon and start summoning. There are a few visual hints for this. What looks like a sound wave will appear above her head, and she’ll begin waving her arms and chanting. This means that she’s about to kill the entire room. Thankfully, some doors will open under her, offering safe passage for one player each.

If you correctly killed all six Knights, six doors will open under Kalli. However, the doors will be random each time, meaning you’ll need some sort of system to guarantee that two people don’t try to run into the same room. Only one player can be inside each room, so your team members all need to go into different rooms.

The first time we ran through this, we used a stagger method. Three players go into doors, and three follow behind. Another method we’ve had success with was numbered, where each player is assigned a number and goes in a corresponding door. The doors are numbered left to right, up to down — just like reading in English.

Once you’ve safely made it into a door, wait until it opens again and walk back out. The damage phase will start anew.

Be aware that Kalli can fire curses out at you that deal serious damage. Watch for them and dodge whenever possible. Repeat this process, and enter doors two more times.

Once Kalli has made it all the way around the circle, the plate phase will start all over again. Find your tree, find your plate, open the doors, and get back to the DPS phase. You can repeat this up to two more times — three times total — although depending on your damage, you may be able to do it in two.

Once Kalli’s health hits zero, you’ll have completed the first encounter. Congratulations!

Thu, 10/04/2018 - 19:30
OldnAchy's picture
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I definitely need to make EP runs to get that shotgun.

Fri, 10/05/2018 - 09:51
BCyclops's picture
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Unfortunately, the EP shotgun will not be available this week or next week.

My understanding is that the EP schedule goes like this:

10/2 SMG week

10/9 Sniper week

10/16 All 3 available (Shotgun, SMG, and Sniper)

10/23 All 3 available

10/30 Shotgun week? (I'm not 100% sure if this week is 'Shotgun' or 'All 3 available')


I have the EP Sniper and I find it to be quite underwhelming. I don't have the SMG, so I might try for that this week if I have time.

Got to 551 yesterday!

Mon, 10/08/2018 - 07:12
hemihuman's picture
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Is Friday, October 19 at 8pm Eastern a good time for a raid attempt? 

Mon, 10/08/2018 - 09:27
BCyclops's picture
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I am on call for work that week of the 19th, so it's not the best time for me. If I get paged, I would have to leave the raid. If I don't get paged, then no problem. It's just a matter of will I get paged or not.

Anyway, I got the Bygones pulse rifle from Gambit last night so I am one step closer to being raid-ready.

Right now I'm thinking that my raid loadout would be Bygones, IKELOS Shotgun, and Whisper. Just need to level up some more.

Mon, 10/08/2018 - 18:15
OldnAchy's picture
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I should be set up by then.

Tue, 10/09/2018 - 08:18
BCyclops's picture
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I finished the Ascendant challenge yesterday and ranked up quite a bit from completing Petra's 2 weekly challenges. I'm almost 560 now.

The Bygones seems good to me, although it's no Inaugural Address. The recoil direction is not perfect, but I think it can work. Mine has high-impact reserves for dealing more damage at the end of the magazine. Not a god roll, but not too shabby.

Wed, 10/10/2018 - 07:57
hemihuman's picture
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Here's what I know. I have five people that would like to raid: OldnAchy, DarthTabasco, BCyclops, Wulleymammoth, and myself. Both BCyclops and Wulleymammoth have work obligations on some Friday evenings. If we can find a day that is good for both BCyclops and Wulley, we'll still need a sixth. I've been trying to keep an eye out for people I know who are playing Forsaken and might be interested, but no luck yet. Any suggestions? Other people you know? I haven't seen BLAMnation on recently, but it could be that I've just been unlucky. He's been willing to help in the past.

Wed, 10/10/2018 - 08:23
BCyclops's picture
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Well, that will be my last on-call week for this year. So, it's really just that one week when it's a bit risky for me to raid.

I don't see Addicted2Chaos or Hammerdrake playing D2 anymore. We might be able to get someone from my clan, but they are pretty hardcore. I am playing D2 about 3-4 hours a day, but many of them are still way ahead of me. Some of them have reached 600 already. It may be difficult to get one of them to raid with an inexperienced group like ours. Someone from the ClanDestined clan might want to join us also. They used to be active in these forums like me, although they left 2old2play years ago.

Thu, 10/11/2018 - 10:09
Hammerdrake's picture
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Sorry guys, I couldn't pull the trigger on Forsaken. One thing I'd suggest is to get someone in the 2o2p bungie clan to "recruit" in the app. When I had success pulling raiding teams together, it was usually 50/50 between guardians pulled from these forums and the app. I know there are some guys still checking in there occasionally.
Sun, 10/14/2018 - 06:44 (Reply to #15)
hemihuman's picture
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Hammer, you're missing a lot! The leveling experience and dreaming city zone are among the best I've seen in destiny!

Thu, 10/18/2018 - 17:15
BCyclops's picture
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UPDATE: We are having a lot of issues this week at my work, so there is no way I can raid this Friday. Next week should be fine, though.

On the upside, I got my Titan up to the 570s so my power level is definitely high enough for the raid now.

Thu, 10/18/2018 - 21:43 (Reply to #17)
hemihuman's picture
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Ok. We didn't have a team of six for Friday anyhow.

Mon, 10/22/2018 - 08:05
BCyclops's picture
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I got a message about signing up for a raid this Friday. However, I don't really understand how to sign up for it. Can someone please explain how to do that?

Tue, 10/23/2018 - 06:46
DarthTabasco's picture
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Clops, did you join the Delta Company 436 group? If so, you go to the site and find the activity, then click "Join". Our group for Friday is already full, but you can join as an alternate. 

Thu, 10/25/2018 - 08:15
BCyclops's picture
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OK, I'll see if I can do that. I haven't seen a link yet. Did I miss it?

My Titan is in the 580s now, and I'm planning to do the Ascendant Challenge tonight. I got to do a 2-man Lake of Shadows nightfall run with Krak last week, so that was cool. We got it done. I'm also planning to do some more Haunted Forest to get the 600-level auto rifle.

Thu, 10/25/2018 - 09:40 (Reply to #21)
hemihuman's picture
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The link is in a message I sent to you on this site. Click the three horizontal bar icon at upper right and then the messages link.

Thu, 10/25/2018 - 13:23
BCyclops's picture
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OK, I just signed up with Delta Company 436.


Mon, 10/29/2018 - 08:22
BCyclops's picture
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Fortunately, I was able to get into the raid for my first Kalli kill. Thanks, guys!

We tried the 2nd encounter as well, but had a couple of issues there. We had trouble getting the shield down on Shuro Chi, and I'm not really sure why. That should be easy. We just need to aim better. I found that damaging Shuro Chi with shotguns was also very easy once her shield is down. The hardest part seemed to be completing the 3 puzzles in the puzzle room. So, that part needs some more practice.

I started the raid with Bygones, EP Shotgun, and Whisper of the Worm (no catalyst). The Bygones wasn't working well enough, so I switched that to Midnight Coup which was much better for clearing Taken adds.

Mon, 10/29/2018 - 10:23
hemihuman's picture
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Glad you were able to make the raid. Shooting the lasers to drop Shuro Chi's shields is a bit twitchy. I've only tried it a time or two, but it was surprisingly hard.

Tue, 10/30/2018 - 08:08
BCyclops's picture
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I just wanted to post a quick reminder here that this is 'Shotgun Week' again starting today in Escalation Protocol. So, if you don't have the EP Shotgun yet then this week is the time to get it.

I found this link for the EP schedule:

October 30th: Shotgun

November 6th: SMG

November 13th: Sniper rifle

November 20th: All three

November 27th: All three

December 4th: Shotgun

December 11th: SMG

December 18th: Sniper Rifle

December 25th: All three

Tue, 10/30/2018 - 15:00
hemihuman's picture
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EP Shotgun is currently one of the best weapons in the game, and EP has been relatively easy since the beginning of Forsaken. Get one!

Wed, 11/07/2018 - 11:42
BCyclops's picture
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I did Blind Well yesterday to complete the Gateway Between Worlds bounty and then went to do the Offering to the Oracle. Since this is a full curse week, this opens a portal which allows you to go visit Mara Sov and get a Seed of Light. So, I unlocked the Well of Radiance solar subclass for my Warlock. Now I just need to unlock all of the nodes in that subclass. Today is a good day to work on it since I need to get grenade kills and Grenadier is one of the modifiers today. Hopefully, I can get that all completed for Friday when we try the Raid again. I still need a 3rd Seed of Light for my Warlock, so a Kalli kill in the Raid should give me that.

Mon, 11/12/2018 - 08:10
BCyclops's picture
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We had a good raid last Friday and made a lot of progress. Defeated Kalli on the first try. No wipes!

Shuro Chi proved to be more difficult, but we got through it finally. I found that Special Ammo Finders on my armor helped a lot for getting shotgun ammo. I think you want at least 2 of them, maybe even 3. I also plan to add a class ability cooldown mod somewhere so that I can get my Warlock empowering rift faster next time. Lunafaction Boots also helped a lot for automatic reloads.

We ran out of time before we could defeat Morgeth, but I don't think that will be too difficult now that we know to use Whisper of the Worm to damage the boss. The crit damage of Whisper is just huge, but it's not nearly as good when you're not hitting those crits. Fortunately, Morgeth has some large crit areas that can be hit fairly easily.

Mon, 11/19/2018 - 08:30
BCyclops's picture
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Got my first Last Wish completion last night!

We raided for about 3 or 4 hours last Friday and got to the Vault. Then we got back together last night for another 3 hours to finish the rest of the raid. I'm so glad to have that done.

We did the cluster bomb rocket cheese at Riven. Ideally, you want to have a Bad Omens rocket launcher (obtained from playing Gambit) that has Field Prep and Cluster Bomb. Field Prep is not mandatory, but it does let you carry one extra rocket. At minimum, you want a 25rpm rocket launcher with Cluster Bomb. It's best to use a Void rocket launcher because of the Tractor Cannon debuff which makes Riven take more damage from Void sources. I was originally planning to use a Void Curtain Call, which is what I had used against Argos. However, I played some Gambit on Saturday and was lucky enough to get a Bad Omens with Cluster Bomb (no Field Prep, though). I ended up putting a Boss Spec mod on it for additional Riven damage.

It also helps if you have Rocket Launcher Reserves perks on your helmet and class item. Each one of these perks lets you carry an additional rocket. So, with 2 of these perks and Field Prep on your launcher you can have a maximum of 9 rockets to fire at Riven.

Mon, 11/19/2018 - 10:45
DarthTabasco's picture
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Congrats. I haven't even been into the raid yet, so who knows when (or if) it will happen.

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