James Hunt's McLaren Tuning help

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#1 Sun, 12/29/2013 - 12:57
Zombie1977's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 08/12/2007 - 23:00

James Hunt's McLaren Tuning help

Hey 2o4F folks,Ive not been around the forums in ages but am now on XBOX 1 and FM5. I can tune some things and others I cannot. The McLaren M21 of James Hunt being the latter lolz. If anyone would like to give it a go,or already has please post. Ive tuned an A class X Bow,C class 95? SVT Cobra and a C class 95 MR2...at least those are th cars Ive shared so far.            On another note I have been away from the Forza seen along time. I just lost interest in FM4 and moved on. For those who dont know me I met JCotter13 during the launch of FM2,just as he was starting our clan here at 2o2p and I'm glad to see it still going strog. If anyone would like to add me please fell free. I race clean and I share/however Ican. I look forward to seeing all of you on the track.    BTW I typed this from my xbox sorry if its one long sentence!

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