Jan 2, 2016 - Parcells Special
Jan 2, 2016 - Parcells Special
Assuming there’s enough interest of course. With a minimum of 5 participants for each session I feel I can pull off hosting both a Uero & NA time friendly Parcells special (see below). Euro slot will probably be 2000 – 2300 hours GMT and the NA slot 2 hours later 8:00 – 11:00 EST. Could alter the times minimally if the need is there. As all Parcells specials work the winner of each session will be acknowledged (fake praised) in this thread on or near Jan 3.
If you’re interested in participating please respond to this post stating so and which slot(s) you'll be racing in (Euro and/or NA)
If most of your passes are via off track and/or bumping the leading driver the majority of us would prefer you don’t sign up. That’s another way of saying please drive respectfully maybe even like you were in a real race LOL. The odd off track excursion will happen who are we kidding but take note of rule 3a
Will fill in the details before Christmas but at this moment here is what I know regarding the format.
- We’ll race between 1-3 cars each session with mostly pre-determined tracks. How many cars we race will be decided upon your input and what Parcells ultimately decides.
- What tracks we race will be decided upon your input and what Parcells ultimately decides.
- I have zero idea of the on-line race options at the moment but will investigate soon.
- There will be damage enabled I guarantee it and unless I find a reason not to go with full SIM damage it will be full SIM damage.
- Each race will be between 8-15 minutes, depending on the variables, mostly how many participants.
- Cars will be stock tuning, no upgrades no tuning.
- Whatever other options are relevant I’ll update in this thread in due time.
As far as cars go if we have lots of participants I’m leaning towards maximum 2 cars but ultimately we’ll figure it all out before Christmas. No car will exceed class A and unless all the stock Lotuses suck I can guarantee a Lotus will be one of the cars, the Exige if that works OK stock. I’m sure I can find another car Parcells likes (quality Lancer comes to mind) but I’ve tried 2% of the available cars so if you guys know of a good stock car please advise and we’ll consider it.
Any questions, please ask, I’ll make up a response. Let’s kick off the New Year in 2O4F fashion (have no idea what that means)
2o4F fashion? Support hose and sandals?
I'm in even if I don't know what the hell you are talking about!
me too
I'm Up For The Selection Of Tracks!
P.(arcell)S.(pecial)...I Vote For Spa!
Bugatti or Sebring...
ok then lets see theres nordschleife day or night or the full day or night we will forget about the wet
for now anyway
Another great idea I will not be able to participate in because of my unusual RL schedule. 3 things that jumped out at me and made me chuckle because I do them all the time.
That’s another way of saying please drive respectfully maybe even like you were in a real race LOL.
There will be damage enabled I guarantee it and unless I find a reason not to go with full SIM damage it will be full SIM damage.
Cars will be stock tuning, no upgrades no tuning.
I'll check my calendar. I'd like to participate if possible.
How about Lime Rock Full Circuit Alternate Layout?
count me in.
Dependent on whether family is here...
Parcells...What is the Latest or Do I Have to Check On Facebook?
I'm about done in here. The place is dead and nothing's going on. Someone forgot to shut the light off i think.
Doodi....You let this site turn into Doodi!!!
I think its fair to say this Parcells special is not going to take place. I'll try again at a later date and in conjunction with facebook I suppose.